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In Microprocessor 8085
No of bits in the opcode
2) no of bits in the address - 16
3) no of memory areas that can be accessed - 65536
- 8
- 9
- 10
- None of the Given Answers
For mod 9 counter how many min flips flops are required
- 7
- 8
- 4
- None of the Given Answers
what does select represent in relational algebra
- Project
- Relational
- Composition
- None of the Given Answers
iven a rel in II normal form. To be in third normal form the non key attributes must be
- Dependent
- Independent
- Exclusive
- None of the Given Answers
We bring a file from NTFS to fat. What will change
- Security
- Name of the Files
- Folder location
- None of the Given Answers
In file inode what is not there
- Name
- Size
- Owner
- Mode
Standard port of telnet
- 23
- 21
- 25
- None of the Given Answers
which is not a communication program
- flash
- browser
- ftp
- None of the Given Answers
Windows 95 is
- Event driven
- Message driven
- Multi user
- None of the Given Answers
Windows nt has which scheduling
- Multitasking non preemptive
- Multitasking preemptive
- Single tasking
- None of the Given Answers