CARITOR Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers
- NASA's Kepler mission discovered the first Earth-size planets orbiting a sun-like star outside our solar system. These planets are called ___ and ___.
(a) Kepler-20e; Kepler-20f (Ans)
(b) Kepler-20a; Kepler-20b
(c) Kepler-20c; Kepler-20d
(d) Kepler-20m; Kepler-20n
- 16. Name the gene found by the neuroscientists, which could help in creating and altering memory.
(a) Mpas4
(b) Npas4 (Ans)
(c) Npas3
(d) Mpas2
- 17. As per the report compiled by British-based firm Maplecroft, which one of the following countries is the top greenhouse gas emitter?
(a) India
(b) USA
(c) China (Ans)
(d) Japan
- 18. Scientists produced artificial human semen to help infertile men.
Consider the following statements:
(i) The scientists grew the sperm by enveloping the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly.
(ii) The artificial human semen could help infertile men father their own children.
Choose the right option:
(a) Both (i) and (ii) are correct (Ans)
(b) Only (i) is correct
(c) Only (ii) is correct
(d) Neither (i) nor (ii) is correct
- 19. India registered a __ per cent increase in tiger population in 2010, according to a report, "Status of Tigers, Co-Predators and Prey in India-2010," released on 28 July 2011.
(a) 20
(b) 30 (Ans)
(c) 15
(d) 12
- 20. A Japanese supercomputer, K Computer built by Fujitsu Co., grabbed the title of the world's best-performing machine, thereby returning Japan to the top of the computer arms race for the first time in seven years. Which is the other name by which K Computer is known?
(a) Earth Simulator
(b) Riken (Ans)
(c) Jaguar
(d) Tianhe-1A
- 21. In UNIX, which command is used to change the protection mode of files starting with the string 'emp' and ending with 1, 2, or 3?
(A) Chmod u+x emp[1-3] (Ans)
(B) Chmod 777 emp*
(C) Chmod u+r ??? emp
(D) Chmod 222 emp ?
(E) None of these
- 22. The variables which can be accessed by all modules in a C program are known as:
(A) Local variables
(B) Internal variables
(C) External variables
(D) Global variables (Ans)
(E) None of these
- 23. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?
(A) Mass memory
(B) Internal memory (Ans)
(C) Non-volatile memory
(E) None of these
- 24. A record that follows a group of related records and contains data relevant to those records is called as:
(A) Trailer record (Ans)
(B) Traffic record
(C) Transaction record
(D) Transducer
(E) None of these