DSL Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers
Which one of the following data structures is preferred in database-system implementation?
- a) AVL tree
- b) B-tree
- c) B+ -tree (Ans)
- d) Splay tree
Explanation: The database-system implementations use the B+ -tree data structure because they can be used for multilevel indexing.
What is an AVL tree?
- a) a tree which is balanced and is a height balanced tree (Ans)
- b) a tree which is unbalanced and is a height balanced tree
- c) a tree with three children
- d) a tree with at most 3 children
Explanation: It is a self-balancing tree with a height difference of at most 1.
Why do we need a binary tree which is height balanced?
- a) to avoid formation of skew trees (Ans)
- b) to save memory
- c) to attain faster memory access
- d) to simplify storing
Explanation: In real-world scenarios, dealing with random values is often not possible. The probability of encountering non-random values (like sequential ones) often leads to skew trees, causing worst-case scenarios. Thus, height balance is maintained by rotations.
What is the maximum height of an AVL tree with p nodes?
- a) p
- b) log(p) (Ans)
- c) log(p)/2
- d) p^2
Explanation: The number of nodes in terms of height follows the recurrence relation: N(he) = N(he-1) + 1 + N(he-2). Solving this relation gives N(he) = O(logp) as the worst-case height.
To restore the AVL property after inserting an element, do we start at the insertion point and move towards the root of the tree?
- a) true (Ans)
- b) false
Explanation: After insertion, only the path from the insertion point to the root or specific subtrees may become imbalanced in terms of height.
Given an empty AVL tree, how would you construct an AVL tree when a set of numbers is given without performing any rotations?
- a) just build the tree with the given input
- b) find the median of the set of elements given, make it the root, and construct the tree (Ans)
- c) use trial and error
- d) use dynamic programming to build the tree
Explanation: Constructing the tree with the median as the root ensures balance without requiring rotations.