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L & T Infotech Placement Paper »L & T Infotech Placement Paper 21st JULY
hai frendz,,this is kavita from
Siddartha institute.........im dong 4/4 B.Tech in INF. TECH.....i attended L&T
Infotech offcampus..........
the selection procedure has 3
1.Aptitude test
2.JAM(Just A Minute) or GD.
3.Technical cum HR Interview...
Aptitude test has 3 sections.......
A.aptitude(30 Q)
B.reasoning(30 Q)
C.verbal(30 Q)
im giving the questions i
1.blood relations (3-4 Q)
a....means brother,- means sister,* means mother,/ means father...........
b...father age is 3 times age of son.and 10 yrs hence father is 5 times sons
age.find father a.d sons ages....
2.coding and decoding(4 Q)
a.te ka se means ravi is black , ta ka su means mohan is brown , su ka te means
brown is bblack.which word represent black,brown....etc...
b.number coding.............
3.series of figures(5 Q)
4.gave figures,,,we have to fing no. of straight lines and no of squares and
triangles/////////(2 Q)
5.time and work(1 Q) 3 men can dig 3 trrenches in 5 days.how many r required to
dig 5 trenches in 5 days(they work for 8 hours)....
6.direction travelling(1 Q) a man started at A.he went 10m west...then turned
his left n went 6m.......find his distance from startinf pt.
7.bar chart(5 Q) they gave a company's expenditure and income for 5 years in
the form of a graph.....we need to find
a.high profit earned year
b.% growth in profit b/n 2 yrs
c.avg income nad expenditure for all the info. given.
8.they gave some 4-line paragraph......and gave some statements....and asked if
they can be infrred form the paragraph........(4 Q)
9.same as 9(4 Q)
10.puzzle test (2 Q)
11.statement-conclusions(3-5 Q)
12.verbal::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::passage Questions (5 Q),synnonyms(4
Q),antonyms(4 Q),analogy(3 Q),fill in the blanks(4 Q),error correction(5
Q)...........very easy
Among all the sections reasoning is
easy(in most of the cases),then verbal and then aptitude,............
CAUTION:::::::be careful at TIME
mgmt.....otherwise u will end in troubles...............as the incvigilation in
the hands of company memners, be careful while helping others................and
here is a point of much importance..there r 3 sets PINK,YELLOW and some other