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Home » Placement Papers » Mphasis Placement Papers » Mphasis Previous Year Placement Paper


Mphasis Placement Paper -: Java Questions With Answers


Mphasis Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. What is the purpose of the "super" keyword in Java?

    A: To refer to the current object

    B: To invoke the superclass constructor or methods

    C: To create multiple instances of a class

    D: To hide data and methods within a class

    Ans: B
  2. What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in Java?

    A: To refer to the superclass

    B: To create multiple instances of a class

    C: To hide data and methods within a class

    D: To refer to the current object

    Ans: D
  3. What is the purpose of the "final" keyword in Java?

    A: To prevent the inheritance of a class

    B: To prevent overriding of a method

    C: To prevent modification of a variable's value

    D: All of the above

    Ans: D
  4. What is an interface in Java?

    A: A class

    B: A data type

    C: A blueprint for a class

    D: A data structure

    Ans: C
  5. Which keyword is used to implement an interface?

    A: extends

    B: new

    C: interface

    D: implements

    Ans: D
  6. Can an interface extend another interface in Java?

    A: No

    B: Yes

    Ans: B
  7. Can an interface have a constructor?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  8. Which of the following access modifiers are implicitly applied to variables in an interface?

    A: private

    B: protected

    C: public

    D: default

    Ans: C
  9. Is it possible to create an instance of an interface?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  10. How many interfaces can a Java class implement?

    A: None

    B: Only one

    C: Two

    D: As many as needed

    Ans: D
  11. Can an interface inherit from a class?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  12. Can an interface method be declared as final?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  13. In Java 9, which type of methods can be added to interfaces to share code between methods?

    A: Static

    B: Private

    C: Final

    D: Protected

    Ans: B
  14. An interface with no methods is known as?

    A: Abstract Interface

    B: Marker Interface

    C: Empty Interface

    D: Functional Interface

    Ans: B
  15. Which keyword is used to define a default method in an interface?

    A: static

    B: default

    C: final

    D: abstract

    Ans: B
  16. Are all methods in an interface abstract?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  17. Which of these can be contained in an interface?

    A: Abstract methods

    B: Constants

    C: Default and static methods

    D: All of the above

    Ans: D
  18. Which Java feature helps achieve multiple inheritance?

    A: Abstract classes

    B: Static methods

    C: Interfaces

    D: Enums

    Ans: C
  19. What is the default access modifier of a method in an interface in Java?

    A: private

    B: protected

    C: public

    D: None of the above

    Ans: C
  20. Why were default methods introduced in Java 8 interfaces?

    A: To provide multiple inheritance

    B: To add utility functions

    C: To provide backward compatibility with older interface versions

    D: For better performance

    Ans: C
  21. Starting from which Java version can an interface contain method implementations?

    A: Java 5

    B: Java 7

    C: Java 8

    D: Java 9

    Ans: C
  22. What is the purpose of the instanceof operator?

    A: Multiply instances

    B: Compare two object references

    C: Check if an object is an instance of a specific class or interface

    D: To create a new instance of a class

    Ans: C
  23. Which keyword is used to declare a class variable?

    A: volatile

    B: transient

    C: static

    D: final

    Ans: C
  24. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being inherited?

    A: final

    B: abstract

    C: class

    D: extends

    Ans: A
  25. Which keyword is used to create an instance of a class?

    A: new

    B: return

    C: this

    D: create

    Ans: A
  26. Which keyword is used to inherit the properties and methods from another class?

    A: import

    B: package

    C: extends

    D: implements

    Ans: C
  27. Which keyword is used to refer to the current instance of a class?

    A: class

    B: this

    C: instance

    D: object

    Ans: B
  28. Which keyword in Java is used for importing packages into a program?

    A: import

    B: package

    C: include

    D: requires

    Ans: A



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