Oracle Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers
The first Unix operating system, as it was in the development stage, was written in:
A. C language
B. B language Answer: Option B
C. Assembly language
D. None of these
- Solution: The initial Unix was developed in B language before being rewritten in C.
In a disk, each block of data is written into:
A. One sector
B. Two sectors
C. Three sectors
D. Two or more sectors Answer: Option D
- Solution: Depending on the disk configuration, blocks can span multiple sectors.
Windows is:
A. An operating system
B. An operating environment Answer: Option B
C. A character user interface
D. None of these
- Solution: Windows initially acted as an operating environment over DOS.
Which of the following is a service not supported by the operating system?
A. Protection
B. Accounting
C. Compilation Answer: Option C
D. I/O operation
- Solution: Compilation is a process handled by compilers, not operating systems.
The processor which performs arithmetical and logical operations is called:
A. Control
B. ALU Answer: Option B
C. Register
D. Cache memory
- Solution: The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) handles mathematical and logical operations.
Metadata enables database designers and users to do all of the following except:
A. Sample data Answer: Option A
B. Understand what data exist
C. Know the fine distinctions between similar data items
D. Understand what the data mean
- Solution: Metadata does not deal with sample data; it describes data structure and attributes.
In a 1:N relationship, the foreign key is placed in:
A. Either table without specifying parent and child tables
B. The parent table
C. The child table Answer: Option C
D. Either the parent table or the child table
- Solution: In 1:N relationships, the foreign key is stored in the child table.
Which of the following conditions should exist if you want to convert a relationship to an associative entity?
A. Some of the relationships for the participating entities are "many".
B. The resulting associative entity has an independent meaning Answer: Option B
C. The resulting associative entity has no attributes.
D. All of the above
- Solution: Associative entities represent meaningful relationships with their own attributes.
Which is not a relevant feature of CASE tools?
A. The ability to help draw data models using entity-relationship notations
B. The ability to generate code
C. An information repository
D. Access to a DB via the Internet Answer: Option D
- Solution: CASE tools do not inherently provide database access via the Internet.
Backward recovery is which of the following?
A. Where the before-images are applied to the database Answer: Option A
B. Where the after-images are applied to the database
C. Where the after-images and before-images are applied to the database
D. Switching to an existing copy of the database
- Solution: Backward recovery involves restoring the database to a previous consistent state using before-images.
Which of the following applies to a class rather than an object?
A. Query
B. Update
C. Scope Answer: Option C
D. Constructor
- Solution: Scope defines the accessibility of a class or its members, not individual objects.
The term "Incomplete" in UML has the same meaning as which of the following for an EER diagram?
A. Overlapping rule
B. Disjoint rule
C. Total specialization rule
D. Partial specialization rule Answer: Option D
- Solution: "Incomplete" in UML corresponds to "Partial specialization" in EER diagrams.
The benefits of object-oriented modeling are which of the following?
A. The ability to tackle more challenging problems
B. Reusability of analysis, design, and programming results
C. Improved communication between users, analysts, etc.
D. All of the above Answer: Option D
- Solution: Object-oriented modeling provides multiple benefits, including reusability, better problem solving, and enhanced communication.