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Home » Placement Papers » PSI Placement Papers » PSI Previous Year Placement Paper


PSI Placement Paper -: Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning Questions With Answers


PSI Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. Find the area of a circle if its radius is 3

    A. 3𝜋

    B. 6𝜋

    C. 9𝜋

    D. 𝜋

    Answer: C
  2. What is the value of x if 16 : 24 :: x : 72

    A. 48

    B. 12

    C. 72

    D. 24

    Answer: A
  3. When 60 is subtracted from 60 % of a number, the resulting number 60 then the number is:

    A. 250

    B. 100

    C. 200

    D. 300

    Answer: C
  4. What is the value of x if 12/5 = 36/x

    A. 17

    B. 16

    C. 15

    D. 14

    Answer: C
  5. A man buys a computer for Rs. 7,000 and sells it for 11,500. The % profit is nearly

    A. 54%

    B. 58%

    C. 64.3%

    D. 70.6%

    Answer: C
  6. A solution is to be prepared by combining chemical X, Y and Z in the ratio of 18 : 3 : 2. How many liters of solution can be prepared by using 36 liter of X?

    A. 46L

    B. 47L

    C. 45L

    D. 49L

    Answer: A
  7. It is easier for a computer to process a postfix expression than an infix expression.

    a) True

    b) False

    Answer: a

    Explanation: Computers can easily process a postfix expression because a postfix expression keeps track of precedence of operators.

  8. What is the postfix expression for the infix expression?


    a) -ab-c

    b) ab – c –

    c) – -abc

    d) -ab-c

    Answer: b

    Explanation: The corresponding postfix expression for the given infix expression is found to be ab-c- and not abc- -.

  9. What data structure is used when converting an infix notation to prefix notation?
    (a) Stack
    (b) Queue
    (c) B-Trees
    (d) Linked-list
    Answer: (a)
    Explanation: To convert infix to prefix, reverse the equation and use the infix-to-postfix algorithm. This process utilizes stacks for operator precedence and association.

  10. What would be the Prefix notation for the given equation? A+(B*C)
    (a) +A*CB
    (b) *B+AC
    (c) +A*BC
    (d) *A+CB
    Answer: (c)
    Explanation: Reverse the equation or scan from right to left. Apply the infix-to-postfix algorithm. Inside the brackets, the result is CB*, and outside the brackets, it is A+. Reversing gives +A*BC.

  11. What would be the Prefix notation for the given equation? (A*B)+(C*D)
    (a) +*AB*CD
    (b) *+AB*CD
    (c) **AB+CD
    (d) +*BA*CD
    Answer: (a)
    Explanation: Reverse the equation or scan from right to left. Apply the infix-to-postfix algorithm. Brackets evaluate to DC* and BA*, resulting in +*AB*CD after reversal.

  12. What would be the Prefix notation for the given equation? A+B*C^D
    (a) +A*B^CD
    (b) +A^B*CD
    (c) *A+B^CD
    (d) ^A*B+CD
    Answer: (a)
    Explanation: Reverse the equation or scan from right to left. Apply the infix-to-prefix algorithm. The order of precedence is +* and ^. The reversed expression evaluates to +A*B^CD.



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