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Home » Placement Papers » Persistent Placement Papers » Persistent Previous Year Placement Paper


Persistent Placement Paper -: Aptitude & Computer Knowledge Questions With Answers


Persistent Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. The primary goal of the......................protocol is to provide a private channel between communicating applications, which ensures privacy of data, authentication of the partners, and integrity.

    • A) SSL
    • B) ESP
    • C) TSL
    • D) PSL

    Answer: A) SSL

  2. The................is used to provide integrity check, authentication, and encryption to IP datagram.

    • A) SSL
    • B) ESP
    • C) TSL
    • D) PSL

    Answer: B) ESP

  3. In........................mode, a common technique in packet-switched networks consists of wrapping a packet in a new one.

    • A) Tunneling
    • B) Encapsulation
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above

    Answer: C) Both A and B

  4. The.............................is a collection of protocols designed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to provide security for a packet at the network level.

    • A) IPsec
    • B) Netsec
    • C) Packetsec
    • D) Protocolsec

    Answer: A) IPsec

  5. At the lower layer of SSL, a protocol for transferring data using a variety of predefined cipher and authentication combinations is called the ……………….

    • A) SSL handshake protocol
    • B) SSL authentication protocol
    • C) SSL record protocol
    • D) SSL cipher protocol

    Answer: C) SSL record protocol

  6. While initiating an SSL session, the client code recognizes the SSL request and establishes a connection through TCP Part.................to the SSL code on the server.

    • A) 420
    • B) 1032
    • C) 443
    • D) 322

    Answer: C) 443

  7. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together?

    (A) 4

    (B) 10

    (C) 15

    (D) 16

    Ans: (D)
  8. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to:

    (A) Shortest Job First Scheduling

    (B) Multilevel Queue Scheduling

    (C) FCFS

    (D) None of the above

    Ans: (C)
  9. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes?

    (A) Uplinking

    (B) Downlinking

    (C) Both (A) and (B)

    (D) None of the above

    Ans: (C)
  10. The format specifier “-%d” is used for which purpose in C?

    (A) Left justifying a string

    (B) Right justifying a string

    (C) Removing a string from the console

    (D) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable

    Ans: (A)
  11. A sorting algorithm that can prove to be the best time algorithm in one case and the worst time algorithm in another is:

    (A) Quick Sort

    (B) Heap Sort

    (C) Merge Sort

    (D) Insert Sort

    Ans: (A)
  12. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design?

    (A) Details

    (B) Coding

    (C) Decisions

    (D) None of the above

    Ans: (C)
  13. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by the assembler?

    (A) Reallocation

    (B) Allocation

    (C) Linking

    (D) Both (A) and (B)

    Ans: (D)
  14. In a certain code ADVENTURES is written as TRDESAUVEN. How is PRODUCED written in that code?





    (Ans: A)
  15. If FRAGRANCE is written as SBHSBODFG, how can IMPOSING be written?

    (a) NQPTJHOJ

    (b) NQPTJOHJ

    (c) NQTPJOHJ

    (d) NQPTJOHI

    (Ans: D)
  16. If ROBUST is coded as QNATRS in a certain language, which word would be coded as ZXCMP?

    (a) AWDLQ

    (b) AYDNQ

    (c) BZEOR

    (d) YYBNO

    (Ans: B)
  17. If PALE is coded as 2134, EARTH is coded as 41590, how can PEARL be coded in that language?

    (a) 25430

    (b) 29530

    (c) 25413

    (d) 24153

    (Ans: D)
  18. If in a certain code, GLAMOUR is written as IJCNMWP and MISRULE is written as OGUSSNC, then how will TOPICAL be written in that code?

    (a) VMRJECN

    (b) VMRHAGJ

    (c) VMRJACJ

    (d) VNRJABJ

    (Ans: C)



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