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Home » Placement Papers » Persistent Placement Papers » Persistent Previous Year Placement Paper


Persistent Placement Paper -: Data Structure & Programming Questions With Answers


Persistent Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. In stack, the end opposite is known as:

    A: Top

    B: Base

    C: Rear

    D: Front

    Ans: B
  2. In stack, which element is removed first?

    A: Element inserted first

    B: Most recently added element

    C: Middle element

    D: Second element

    Ans: B
  3. In which position of the stack will the element remain for the longest time?

    A: A[0]

    B: Base

    C: Top

    D: Both A and B

    Ans: B
  4. Stack performs the operation:

    A: Last in, first out

    B: Last in, last out

    C: Last in, fast out

    D: First in, first out

    Ans: A
  5. Consider the following class definitions:

        class a {
        class b : protected a {

    What happens when we try to compile this class?

    A: Will not compile because the class body of a is not defined.

    B: Will not compile because the class body of b is not defined.

    C: Will not compile because class a is not publicly inherited.

    D: Will compile successfully.

    Ans: D
  6. Which of the following statements are true in C++?

    A: Classes cannot have data as public members.

    B: Structures cannot have functions as members.

    C: Class members are public by default.

    D: None of these.

    Ans: B
  7. The use of the break statement in a switch statement is:

    A: Optional

    B: Compulsory

    C: To check an error

    D: None of the above

    Ans: A
  8. To be called object-oriented, a programming language must allow:

    A: Functions that return only a single value

    B: #include files

    C: Inheritance

    D: All of the above

    Ans: C
  9. For I=N-1 down to Pos is the loop for:

    A: Deleting element in an array

    B: Inserting element in an array

    C: Traversing

    D: Both A and B

    Ans: D
  10. In operation, all the elements are shifted into a lower-order position from the given position:

    A: Deleting element in an array

    B: Inserting element in an array

    C: Traversing

    D: Binary searching

    Ans: A
  11. In which operation is the stack not modified?

    A: Push(item)

    B: Pop()

    C: Peek()

    D: None

    Ans: C
  12. What is the function of the Peek() operation?

    A: Removes the top item from the stack

    B: Tests if the stack is empty or not

    C: Returns the number of items in the stack

    D: Returns the top item from the stack but does not remove it

    Ans: D
  13. Push operation in stack is:

    A: First increases the top position and inserts the element

    B: First inserts the element and then increases the top position

    C: First decreases the top position and inserts the element

    D: First inserts the element and decreases the top position

    Ans: A
  14. Which of the following is not an application of stack?

    A: Rearranging railroad cars

    B: Runtime memory management

    C: Multiprogramming platform

    D: Conversion of infix expression into postfix and prefix expression

    Ans: C



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