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Home » Placement Papers » Sasken Placement Papers » Sasken Previous Year Placement Paper


Sasken Placement Paper -: Data Structures Questions With Answers


Sasken Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. If the length of a rectangle increases by 20% and the breadth decreases by 20%, then the area:

    A. decreases by 4% Answer: Option A

    B. ----

    C. same

    D. none

  2. A is 10 km from B and C is 17 km from B. Then which option is true:

    A. A is in between B and C.

    B. B is in between A and C.

    C. C is in between A and B.

    D. a and b Answer: Option D

  3. Find out the number of 8's preceded by 5 but not just followed by 3 in the series (very easy question):

    Series was something like this: 2158367983856787325839076 (but not correct)

    Ans: 4 (sure)

  4. Based on this situation, 4 questions were asked (these were very simple, do not miss to attempt):

    Big university and small colleges decided to make committees for inspection. Each 3 member committee has 2 from university and one from small college.

    In each committee, no two members belong to the same subject...

    Now conditions: for university:

    M--Maths teachers


    K--Natural Science

    For small college:




  5. Ques17: If M surveys, what other two members will be:

    A. L, K

    B. L, N

    C. K, O Answer: Option C

    D. none of the above

  6. If L does not survey, what are the possibilities of the 3-member team:

    A. L, N, H

    B. M, K, P Answer: Option B

    C. K, M, N

    D. None of the above

  7. Situation: 6 faces of a cube were colored with 6 different colors: Red, Black, Brown, Blue, Green, White.
    1. Black is opposite to Red.
    2. Green is adjacent to Brown.
    3. Blue is adjacent to Black.
    4. White is adjacent to Blue.
    5. Red is at the bottom.
    Q21) What 4 colors are adjacent?

    A. Black, Brown, Blue, Green

    B. White, Green, Red, Blue

    C. Brown, Green, White, Red

    D. Black, Blue, White, Brown Answer: Option D

  8. How many bits of an IP address are required to make 8 subnets?

    A. 1

    B. 2

    C. 3

    D. 4 Answer: Option D

  9. Network equipment forms a hierarchy in which topology?

    A. Bus

    B. Star

    C. Ring

    D. Tree Answer: Option D

  10. Which of the following is not a CDMA technology?

    A. DS-FH (Discrete Spectrum-Frequency Hopping)

    B. DS-FT

    C. DS-

    D. TDMA-FS Answer: Option D

  11. Determine the network ID of the classful IP address

    A. 192

    B. 192.42

    C. 192.42.14 Answer: Option C


  12. Minimum sampling frequency for a 20-20kHz analog signal is:

    A. 20kHz

    B. 40kHz Answer: Option B

    C. 44.1kHz

    D. 20Hz

  13. Advantages of digital over analog signals:

    A. Noise immunity

    B. Data security and integrity

    C. Efficient transmission

    D. All of the above Answer: Option D

  14. MPEG stands for:

    Answer: Moving Picture Experts Group

  15. Why is DSL faster than a normal modem?

    Answer: It has higher downlink bandwidth

  16. Below, find the results of the program:
    main() { i = 2; printf("I=%d i=%d", ++i, ++i); }

    Answer: Varying compiler to compiler

  17. Below, find the results of the program:
    main() { unsigned char i = 0x80; printf("i=%d", i << 1); }

    Answer: 256



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