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Home » Placement Papers » TVS Placement Papers » TVS Previous Year Placement Paper


TVS Placement Paper -: Programming Questions And Answers


TVS Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. Is C++ an alias of C#?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: B
  2. What is the extension of a C# language file?

    A: .c

    B: .cpp

    C: .cs

    D: .csp

    Ans: C
  3. CLR stands for ___.

    A: Common Type System

    B: Common Language Specification

    C: Common Language Runtime

    D: Java Virtual Machine

    Ans: C
  4. What is the value of z?

    int z, x = 5, y = -10, a = 4, b = 2;
    z = x++ - --y * b / a;

    A: 5

    B: 6

    C: 10

    D: 11

    Ans: [Your Answer]
  5. Every C# statement is terminated by ___.

    A: Colon (:)

    B: Semicolon (;)

    C: Comma (,)

    D: Dot (.)

    Ans: B


    Every C# statement is terminated by a semicolon (;).

  6. Is C# programming language case-sensitive?

    A: Yes

    B: No

    Ans: A


    Yes, C# programming language is case-sensitive.

  7. In C#, a single-line comment starts with ___.

    A: Two forward slashes (//)

    B: Two backward slashes (\\)

    C: A hash character (#)

    D: A dollar character ($)

    Ans: A


    In C#, a single-line comment starts with two forward slashes (//).

  8. In C#, the multi-line comments are placed within the ___.

    A: // and //

    B: \\ and //


    D: /* and */

    Ans: D


    In C#, the multi-line comments are placed within the /* and */.

  9. What is the correct syntax to declare a variable in C#?

    A: type variableName = value;

    B: type variableName;

    C: variableName as type = value;

    D: Both A and B

    Ans: D


    Both of the above syntaxes can be used to declare a variable:

    • type variableName = value; - It defines the type and assigns the value
    • type variableName; - It defines the type only
  10. Which data type is used to store text value in C#?

    A: text

    B: txt

    C: string

    D: str

    Ans: C


    The string data type is used to store text values in C#.

  11. Which C# keyword is used to define a constant?

    A: define

    B: fixed

    C: constant

    D: const

    Ans: D


    The const keyword is used to define a constant in C#.

  12. What is the correct syntax to define a C# constant?

    A: const type constant_name;

    B: const type constant_name = value;

    C: const constant_name as type;

    D: const constant_name as type = value;

    Ans: B


    The correct syntax to define a C# constant is:

    const type constant_name = value;

    Note: A const field requires a value to be provided.

  13. Which is not a valid C# data type?

    A: long

    B: int

    C: float

    D: complex

    Ans: D


    There is no complex data type in C#.

  14. Which is the correct order for implicit type conversion to convert a smaller to a larger type in C#?

    A: char -> int -> long -> float -> double

    B: bool -> char -> int -> long -> float -> double

    C: char -> int -> float -> long -> double

    D: bool -> char -> int -> long -> double -> float

    Ans: A


    The implicit type conversion is done in the following order: char -> int -> long -> float -> double.

  15. The link field of the last node contains:

    A: NULL

    B: Head

    C: Tail

    D: None

    Ans: A
  16. In a linked list, the link field of every node contains:

    A: Data of the node

    B: Data of the next node

    C: Address of the last node

    D: Address of the next node

    Ans: D
  17. In a doubly linked list, which node points to the address of the previous node?

    A: Info

    B: Frow

    C: Back

    D: Head

    Ans: C
  18. Which operation is not possible in a linked list?

    A: Sorting

    B: Searching

    C: Merging

    D: Inserting

    Ans: C
  19. Which of the following function declaration is/are incorrect?

    A: int Sum(int a, int b = 2, int c = 3);

    B: int Sum(int a = 5, int b);

    C: int Sum(int a = 0, int b, int c = 3);

    D: Both B and C are incorrect.

    E: All are correct.

    Ans: E
  20. You can use C++ as a procedural, as well as an object-oriented, language

    A: TRUE

    B: FALSE

    Ans: A
  21. The address of a variable temp of type float is

    A: *temp

    B: &temp

    C: float& temp

    D: float temp&

    Ans: B



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