Telco Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers
In which operation are array elements shifted into lower-order positions?
A: Deletion
B: Insertion
C: Searching
D: Sorting
Ans: A -
In a linked list, the position "start" gives the location of the:
A: First node
B: Last node
C: Middle node
D: Second node
Ans: A -
In a linked list, the pointer "start" position is also called:
B: Head
C: Tail
D: None
Ans: B -
The link field of the last node contains:
B: Head
C: Tail
D: None
Ans: A -
In a linked list, the link field of every node contains:
A: Data of the node
B: Data of the next node
C: Address of the last node
D: Address of the next node
Ans: D -
In a doubly linked list, which node points to the address of the previous node?
A: Info
B: Frow
C: Back
D: Head
Ans: C -
Which operation is not possible in a linked list?
A: Sorting
B: Searching
C: Merging
D: Inserting
Ans: C -
Which of the following function declaration is/are incorrect?
A: int Sum(int a, int b = 2, int c = 3);
B: int Sum(int a = 5, int b);
C: int Sum(int a = 0, int b, int c = 3);
D: Both B and C are incorrect.
E: All are correct.
Ans: E -
You can use C++ as a procedural, as well as an object-oriented, language
Ans: A -
The address of a variable temp of type float is
A: *temp
B: &temp
C: float& temp
D: float temp&
Ans: B -
What is the output of the following code
char symbol[3]={�a",�b",�c"};
for (int index=0; index<3; index++)
cout << symbol [index];A: a b c
B: �abc�
C: abc
D: �abc"
Ans: C -
The process of building new classes from existing one is called ______.
A: Polymorphism
B: Structure
C: Inheritance
D: Cascading
Ans: C -
If a class C is derived from class B, which is derived from class A, all through public inheritance, then a class C member function can access
A: protected and public data only in C and B.
B: protected and public data only in C.
C: private data in A and B.
D: protected data in A and B.
Ans: D