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Home » Placement Papers » Trilogy Placement Papers » Trilogy Previous Year Placement Paper


Trilogy Placement Paper -: DATA STRUCTURES Questions And Answers


Trilogy Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. 10, 20, 25, 35, 30, 40 for the list which searching technique can be applied

    a) binary search

    b) linear search

    c) both a and b

    d) none

    Answer: b) linear search
  2. Which operation access each data element exactly once

    a) traversal

    b) insertion

    c) searching

    d) sorting

    Answer: a) traversal
  3. Stack can be represented using

    a) array

    b) linked list

    c) both a and b

    d) none

    Answer: c) both a and b
  4. In binary search when the element is searched either right half or the left half of an array

    a) element is found

    b) search element comparison matches

    c) comparison does not match

    d) low position is less than high position

    Answer: c) comparison does not match
  5. In searching if (loc>=0) is

    a) unsuccessful search

    b) binary search

    c) linear search

    d) successful search

    Answer: d) successful search
  6. Array with one row or one column is a

    a) 1D array

    b) 2D array

    c) multi dimensional array

    d) both a and b

    Answer: a) 1D array
  7. What is meant by multiple inheritance?

    A: Deriving a base class from derived class

    B: Deriving a derived class from base class

    C: Deriving a derived class from more than one base class

    D: None of the mentioned

    Ans: C
  8. The signature of a function is its ..... ?

    A: Function code

    B: Prototype

    C: Call

    D: Parameter list

    Ans: B
  9. The disadvantage of an array is:

    A: Static structure

    B: Dynamic structure

    C: Variable

    D: Both A and B

    Ans: A
  10. In which operation are array elements shifted into higher-order positions?

    A: Deletion

    B: Insertion

    C: Searching

    D: Sorting

    Ans: B
  11. In a computer institute, 9 languages can be taught. The module is of 6 months duration, and only one language can be taught each month. BASIC is always taught first. WORD PERFECT is taught in the preceding month of WORD STAR. FORTRAN cannot be taught until COBOL is taught. BINO and FIFO can never be taught in the same module.
    1. If WORD STAR is in the 3rd month, what could be in the 6th month?

      Ans: FIFO

    2. If COBOL is in the 2nd month and BINO in the 6th month, FORTRAN will be taught in which month?

      Ans: 4th month

  12. In a class, except 18, all are above 50 years. 15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there?

    (a) 30

    (b) 33

    (c) 36

    (d) None of these (Ans)



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