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Home » Placement Papers » Verifone Placement Papers » Verifone Previous Year Placement Paper


Verifone Placement Paper -: Programming Questions And Answers


Verifone Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. What will be the output of the following program?

    #include <iostream.h>
    void main()
      float x;
      x = (float)9/2;
      cout << x;

    A: 4.5

    B: 4.0

    C: 4

    D: 5

    Ans: A
  2. The term __________ means the ability to take many forms.

    A: Inheritance

    B: Polymorphism

    C: Member function

    D: Encapsulation

    Ans: B
  3. Runtime polymorphism is achieved by

    A: Friend function

    B: Virtual function

    C: Operator overloading

    D: Function overloading

    Ans: B
  4. Access to private data

    A: Restricted to methods of the same class

    B: Restricted to methods of other classes

    C: Available to methods of the same class and other classes

    D: Not an issue because the program will not compile

    Ans: B
  5. Additional information sent when an exception is thrown may be placed in

    A: The throw keyword

    B: The function that caused the error

    C: The catch block

    D: An object of the exception class

    Ans: C
  6. What is the output of the following code

    char symbol[3] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
    for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
      cout << symbol[index];

    A: a b c

    B: "abc"

    C: abc

    D: 'abc'

    Ans: C
  7. Identify the operator that is NOT used with pointers

    A: ->

    B: &

    C: *

    D: >>

    Ans: D
  8. Overloading a postfix increment operator by means of a member function takes

    A: No argument

    B: One argument

    C: Two arguments

    D: Three arguments

    Ans: A
  9. Which of the following is not the characteristic of constructor?

    A: They should be declared in the public section.

    B: They do not have return type.

    C: They cannot be inherited.

    D: They can be virtual.

    Ans: D
  10. You separated a derived class name from its access specifier with

    A: A colon

    B: Two colons

    C: At least one space

    D: A semi colon

    Ans: B
  11. The members of a class by default are

    A: Public

    B: Protected

    C: Private

    D: Mandatory to specify

    Ans: C
  12. The type of value that a function sends back to the function that calls it is known as its _____

    A: type

    B: return value

    C: reference data

    D: sentinel

    Ans: B
  13. Which of the following are never inherited?

    A: public data members

    B: constructor functions

    C: void functions

    D: overloaded + operators

    Ans: B
  14. A function's purpose is to print customer data. Which of the following is the best name for this function?

    A: pcd(). It's short for "print customer data" and takes few keystrokes

    B: Printcustomerdata(). It states everything the function will do

    C: printCustomer(). It states the function's purpose and is easy to read

    D: lastFunction(). It is the final function called in most programs, and this name identifies the function's timing

    Ans: C
  15. The function strcmp("Jose", "JOSE") will return _____

    A: -1

    B: 0

    C: 1

    D: null

    Ans: C
  16. main(int argc, char *argv[])
    (main && argc) ? main(argc-1, NULL) : return 0;

    a. Runtime error.

    b. Compile error. Illegal syntax Ans: b. Compile error. Illegal syntax

    c. Gets into Infinite loop

    d. None of the above

  17. main()
    int i;
    float *pf;
    pf = (float *)&i;
    *pf = 100.00;
    printf("%d", i);

    a. Runtime error.

    b. 100

    c. Some Integer not 100 Ans: c. Some Integer not 100

    d. None of the above

  18. main()
    int i = 0xff;
    printf("%d", i<<2);

    a. 4

    b. 512

    c. 1020

    d. 1024 Ans: d. 1024

  19. #define SQR(x) x * x
    printf("%d", 225/SQR(15));

    a. 1

    b. 225

    c. 15

    d. none of the above Ans: d. none of the above

  20. union u
    struct st
    int i : 4;
    int j : 4;
    int k : 4;
    int l;
    } st;
    int i;
    } u;
    u.i = 100;
    printf("%d, %d, %d",u.i, u.st.i, u.st.l);

    a. 4, 4, 0

    b. 0, 0, 0

    c. 100, 4, 0 Ans: c. 100, 4, 0

    d. 40, 4, 0

  21. union u
    union u
    int i;
    int j;
    } a[10];
    int b[10];
    } u;
    printf("%d", sizeof(u));
    printf("%d", sizeof(u.a));
    printf("%d", sizeof(u.a[0].i));

    a. 4, 4, 0

    b. 0, 0, 0

    c. 100, 4, 0

    d. 40, 4, 0 Ans: d. 40, 4, 0

  22. main()
    int (*functable[2])(char *format, ...) ={printf, scanf};
    int i = 100;
    (*functable[0])("%d", i);
    (*functable[1])("%d", i);
    (*functable[1])("%d", i);
    (*functable[0])("%d", &i);

    a. 100, Runtime error.

    b. 100, Random number, Random number, Random number.

    c. Compile error

    d. 100, Random number Ans: d. 100, Random number



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