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Home » Placement Papers » Wilco Placement Papers » Wilco Previous Year Placement Paper


Wilco Placement Paper -: Data Structures Questions And Answers


Wilco Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers

  1. Gazelle: Swift : Earth

    A. Life

    B. Zoology

  2. Solution: The question involves analogy reasoning; answer needs more context.
  3. If DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT as ODDVNTNE, how will THURSDAY be written?

    A. HTVSTYAD Answer: Option A

  4. Solution: The encoding pattern follows letter swapping and reordering based on a fixed rule.
  5. A is 10 km from B, and C is 17 km from B. Which option is true?

    A. A is in between B and C

    B. B is in between A and C

    C. C is in between A and B

    D. A and B Answer: Option D

  6. Solution: The distances indicate both A and B conditions apply.
  7. Find the number of 8's preceded by 5 but not just followed by 3 in the series.
    Series: 2158367983856787325839076

    Answer: 4

  8. Solution: Count the specific occurrences that satisfy the given conditions.
  9. Big university and small colleges decided to make committees for inspection. Each 3-member committee has 2 from the university and 1 from a small college. No two members belong to the same subject.
    If M surveys, what other two members will be?

    A. L, K

    B. L, N

    C. K, O Answer: Option C

    D. None of the above

  10. Solution: K and O belong to other subjects and satisfy the condition.
  11. If * means +, / means -, – means * and + means /, then 8 * 7 – 8 + 40 / 2 = ?

    A. 1

    B. 2 7 – 5 Answer: Option B

    C. 3 8 – 5

    D. 44

    E. None of these

  12. Solution: Using the correct symbols, we have: Given expression = 8 + 7 * 8 / 40 – 2 = 37 – 5 = 7 – 5.
  13. 125 : 216 :: 1331 : ?

    A. 144

    B. 729

    C. 1728 Answer: Option C

    D. 2744

    E. 1000

  14. Solution: 125 (5³), 216 (6³); similarly, 1331 (11³) corresponds to 1728 (12³).
  15. Solution: Alphabetical order: Canvass, Catastrophe, Character, Charcoal, Crisp. "Character" is the middle word.
  16. The Supreme Court gave women the constitutional right to terminate their pregnancy.
    Which of the following, if true, goes against this judgement?

    A. In several countries abortion is illegal.

    B. An unborn child should be treated as a person with the fundamental right to live. Answer: Option B

    C. State representatives rejected a proposal to make abortion illegal.

    D. If a foetus is a person, an embryo should also be treated as one.

    E. None of these.

  17. Solution: If an unborn child is treated as a person with rights, the judgement conflicts with this interpretation of fundamental rights.
  18. Which of the following two ratios is greater: 17:18 and 10:11?

    a) 17/18

    b) 10/11

    c) Both are the same

    d) None of these

  19. If f(x) = x² - 4, what is the value of the function f(3)?

    a) 2

    b) 4

    c) 8

    d) 12

  20. 13 13 65 585 7605 129285 …?…

    (A) 2456415

    (B) 2235675

    (C) 2980565

    (D) 2714985

    Answer: (D) 2714985



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