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Home » Placement Papers » Bosch Placement Papers » Placement Paper-23rd SEPTEMBER 2006, BANGALORE

Placement Paper-23rd SEPTEMBER 2006, BANGALORE


Position: Associate Software Engineer

Eligible: Above 70%

Branches allowed: ECE, EEE, IT (Instrumentation)

Venue: Bangalore (Hosur Road, Koramangala)

Test Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Test Pattern: 2 sections namely

a) Technical(45 questions)

b) General Aptitude(35 questions)
Hi friends, 

Technical section mainly comprises of questions from BASIC ELECTRONICS and C

What I suggest you is go through BASIC ELECTRONICS once (There is text book available for 1st /2nd semester students studying under VTU syllabus).You will come to know about type of questions appearing by looking at following questions.


1. There was a figure of JK flip flop in which ~q is connected to J input and K=1. If clock signal is successively applied 6 times what is output sequence (q=?)

a) 101010 b) c) and d) some other 6 digit sequences

2. Frequency response of a filter is

a) Range of frequencies at which amplification of signal is employed.

b) Output voltage versus frequency (plot)

c) Filter which suppresses particular frequency

d) Some other choice

3. Gain and bandwidth of an op amp is

a) Independent of each other

b) Gain decreases as bandwidth decreases

c) Gain increases as bandwidth increases till some extent after which stability decreases

d) Some other choice


4. There was a figure of 4:1 MUX in which A and B are select lines. Inputs S0 and S1 are connected together and labeled as C where as S2 and S3 are connected together and labeled as D.Then which of the following is true?

a) Y=B+C

b) Y=A+B

c) Y=A+B

d) Y=C+D (Where Y is the output)

5. In step up transformer (or Step down� not sure) transformation ratio is 1:5. If the impedance of secondary winding is 16 ohm then what is the impedance of primary winding?

a) 80 b) 3.2 c) and d) some other choice

6. There was a circuit consisting of AC voltage source and one inductance. Inductance value=0.2mH (or 0.2uH or 0.2H not sure).AC voltage =150 sin (1000t).what is the current flowing in the circuit?

a) i= 7.5 sin (1000t)

b) i= -7.5 sin (1000t)

c) i= 7.5 cos (1000t)

d) i= -7.5 cos (1000t)

7. Power gain of an amplifier having i/p gain of 20W and output gain of 20mW is

a) 60 b) 25 c) 10 d) some other choice

8. There was a RC circuit given with AC voltage source.Expresssion for capacitance was asked for charging condition.

Choices were somewhat like this: a) some value multiplied by exp (-t/T)

c) some value multiplied by 1- exp (-t/T)

9. 2�s complement of -17

10. Instrumentation amplifier is used for--------------------?

11. In �ON CHIP� decoding memory can be decoded to

a) 2^n b)2^n +1 c)2^n -1 d) some other choice

12. Half of address 0Xffffffff is

a) 77777777 b) 80000000 c) 7FFFFFFF d) some other choice

13. Which one of the following is used for high speed power application?


14. One question related with SCR rotation angle

15. SCR is used for

a) To achieve optimum (or maximum ...not sure) dv/dt

b) For high current ratings

c) To achieve high voltage

d) Some other choice

16. State in which o/p collector current of transistor remains constant in spite of increase in base current is

a) Q point b) Saturation c) Cut off

17. 16 bit monosample is used for digitization of voice. If 8 kHz is the sampling rate then the rate at

which bit is transferred is

a) 128 b) 48 c) d)

18. To use variable as recursive, variable should be used as

a) Static b) Global c) Global static d) Automatic

19. Question related with successive approximation ADC

20. Question related with resolution of DAC

21. main ()


int a=0x1234;



printf (�%x�, a);


What is the output?

a)1000 b) 2000 c) d) None of these

22. What does (*fun () []) (int) indicate?

a) pointer to an array of 4 integer functions

b) c) d)

23. #define A 10+10

main ()


int a;


printf (�%d�, a);


a) 100 b) 200 c) 110 d) 400

24. One more question related with ADC

25. Question related with serial in parallel out shift register�What is output sequence?

(This was question appeared in GATE exam�So go through GATE BOOK)

Answer for this might be 1010

26. Given one RLC circuit in which values of R, L and C were given. What is the value of frequency f?

27. if (fun ())




X gets incremented if and only if

a) Value of fun () is 1

b) Value of fun () is any value other than 0

c) Value of fun () is greater than 1

d) Some other choice

28. In dynamic memory

a) Power dissipation is less than that of static memory

b) Clock is needed

c) Refreshing is required

d) All the above

29. Short, int and long integers have how many bytes?

a)2,2,4 b)Machine dependant c)2,4,8 d)Some other choice

30. A (n) is -----------filter combination of

a) Active b) Passive c) d)

31. Mobility of electron is

a) Increases as temperature increases

b) Decreases as temp decreases

c) Independent of conductivity

d) Some other choice

32. Structure comparison is done

a) Automatically

b)structcmp is used

c) No automatic function exists

d) Some other choice.

33. The system in which communication occurs in both ways but not simultaneously in both ways is

a) Half simplex b) Simplex c) Half duplex d) duplex

34. main ()


int a=5, b=6;

int i=0;

i=a>b? 1:0;

printf (�%d�, i);


a) 0 b) 1 c) d)

(Note: The output is 0 in this case. If �a� is greater than �b� (For ex: a=5 and b=4, then o/p is 1)

35. int fun (char c)


int i;

static int y ;}

a) c, i are stored in stack and y stored in data segment

b)c stored in stack and i,y are stored in data segment

c) c is stored in text segment, y in data and i in stack

36.main ()


int *p;

short int i;

p= (char *) malloc (i*10); (code was showing error here)


printf (�%d�, p);


Value of p?

a) b) c) d)

(Note: When I checked this code at home it was giving error as �Cannot convert char * to int *

I have modified coding as p= (int *) malloc (i *10), Then I got o/p �p=1496�)

37. main ()


int *p,i[2]={1,2,3};(Note: Some values were given )


printf (�%d %d %d�, i [0],*p,*p+1);


a) b) c) d)


1. Given 0< P>

a) (a+b)/(c+d) b) (b+c)/ (a+d) c) (c+d)/ (a+b) d) (a+c)/ (b+d)

2. A and B starts moving from points X and Y simultaneously at a speed of 5kmph and 7kmph to a

destination point which is of 22km from points X and Y. B reaches Y earlier than A and 

immediately turns back and met Z. Find the distance XZ.

3. Area of lateral surface of a cone given height and radius.

4. Ann is shorter than Jill and Jill is taller than Tom. Which of the following inferences are true?

a) Ann is taller than Tom b) c) d) Data insufficient

5. A and B starts from same point at opposite direction. They will move 6km and take 8km left. How

Far is A and B from each other?

6.6440(Not sure of this number) soldiers are to be arranged in the shape of square. If 40 soldiers were kept out then the number of soldiers making each straight line is? (Question was like this somewhat)

7. If x>5 and y<-1 then which of the following is true?

a) b) c) d) (Choices were some mathematical expression)

8. Sum of squares of two numbers is 404 and sum of two numbers is 22.Then product of two 


a) 20 b) 40 c) d) (Answer is 40. Two numbers are 20 and 2)

9. In an examination 4 marks are assigned for correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for wrong

answer. However one student attempted all 60 questions and scored 130.Number of questions he

attempted correct is?

a) 35 b) 42 c) d)

10. Each ruby is of 0.3 kg and diamond is of 0.4 kg.Ruby costs 400 crores and diamond costs 500

crores.Ruby and diamonds have to be put into a bag. Bag cannot contain more than 12 kg.Which of the following gives maximum profit (or in terms of wealth) (In crores)

a) b) c) d)

Finally there were 10 (or 15) questions of English section (Which was included in aptitude section itself).Pattern of English section was like

1. Correcting the sentences

2. Given one passage. We are supposed to answer the questions given on the passage

3. Nearest meaning of highlighted word...



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