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Home » Placement Papers » CMC Placement Papers » CMC Placement Paper 6

CMC Placement Paper




1. Mention five topics in which you are comfortable. (So be sure what are
you comfortable with and in which topics you are quite confident of

2. What are your future plans?

3. What is your EAMCET rank and why didn�t you join other
Engineering colleges?

4. Why did you opt for CMC?

5. What is your standing in your class?

6. If you are given a chance to choose higher studies and job, which
would you prefer and why?


1. In what way are data warehouses different from databases? (This has
taken most of my time, since we got into a discussion of each and
every aspect. Some important aspects touched upon are: OLTP
transactions and OLAP transactions, querying, response-time of a
database, load on the database, query processing etc.).
2. What is a view? What is the use of a view?
3. What do you find most interesting about Digital Signal
4. In what way a Digital Signal Processor is different from a generic
Intel Processor
5. Could you draw the block diagram of a simple processor like INTEL
6. Can you give the number of address lines and data lines in INTEL
7. Could you pictorially draw the memory architecture in Digital Signal
8. Why need of a separate family of processors - Digital Signal
9. Could tell us just one practical application of Digital Signal
Processor where it is highly relevant to use a DSP.
10. What is a dirty bit? What is it that led to the evolution of the
whole concept of dirty bit?
11. What is an operating system?
12. On which operating systems have you worked?
13. Why do we need an Operating System?
14. I have to load a program/data into main memory whose size is more
than that of main memory? Could you explain the process that takes
place in the Operating System to manage such situations? (Paging and
Buffer Management, explain)
15. How are priorities set to a process? Are they given by a user or by
the system?
16. Are CPU Scheduling and Process Scheduling different?
17. How is memory allocated to processes in a multi-processing
18. Which programming languages are you comfortable with?
19. What are various types on 'int' one can have in C?
20. What is the difference between those types i.e. short, long etc?
21. What is a structure in C? Why the need of such a feature? Could you
write a sample structure and explain?
22. On which C compiler do you work? What is the length of short int?
23. What is the use of a static variable in C?


1. What is virtual Memory ?
2. Write the hexadecimal equivalent of 258.
3. What is Line Algoritham?
4. Why is the first form of normalization so defined ( Databases ).
5. Why do we have different forms like hexadecimal, 2's complement,octal
etc ?
6. define operating system.
7. what is deadlock ? give a real-life example of deadlock .


1) What is Referential Integrity?
2) What is the advantage of maintaining the data in the database over
storing it in flat files?
3) Explain the 3 normal forms?
4) Why do you have to normalize a schema?
5) What are the problems of having redundancy in the schema?
6) Have you heard of Codd's rules?
7) All variables in C should have a data type. Do you agree? The, what is
the data type of a pointer?
8) If you write C code in Turbo C, compile and get an executable out of
it, will you be able to run the executable in Unix or Linux? Why?
9) What is the size of an integer? Is it the same always & everywhere? If
so , why cant you use the same object code (produced in one OS) and run it
on another OS?
10) How about java? What makes java platform independent?
11) Write a program to count the number of 1's in the binary
representation of a given number.
12) Denormalisation in DataWarehousing & Data Mining.? Have you heard of
it in DWDM course? This was asked in the context of increased redundancy
if normalisation not done.

Vijaya Chandra

* What is first normalisation?
* Design a layout for storing the names of people and different modes of
communicating with them
* What are the benefits of Objected Oriented Technologies?
* What is polymorphism?
* Of the following two implementations of a stack using a vector which is
a cleaner version and why?
a) The stack inheriting the vector
b) The stack including a vector member in it


1) What is Harvard architecture
2) What is Histogram Equalization
3) write C program for Histogram

1) what is a bridge ? (related to computer networks)
2) what is meant by VHDL
3) and some project related questions like they asked me abt DSP processor
used in my project i.e TMS32010

P Praveen

1. Describe the Embedded project that you did ?
2. What are the different socket calls ?
3. Does distributed databases mean different servers running on different
systems or what ??
4. s1 English
s2 French
s3 Japanese
s1 French

Retrieve people who know both English and French ?

5. What exactly is the significance of the 3 normal forms ? How does the
first normal form help in achieving this goal of the normal forms ?

6. What is Multiprocessing, Multitasking and Multiuser OS's ?? Specific
differences ?

7. Is Windows NT a multiprocessing system ?

8. What abt Unix and Win-95 ?

9. What abt DOS ?

10. Explain pointers in simple terminology as if I dont know C ??

11. What are the uses of pointers ?

12. Different parameter passing methods and their explanations ??

13. Parameter passing in C ??

14. Is C a block structured language ?

15. What do U mean by block structure ??

16. How many levels of nesting are possible in C ?

17. Difference between the pointers in C & Pascal ??

18. Difference between local and global variable ?? Differences in how
they are stored ?

19. Can a function call another ? Until what level ? How do the calls
occur ?

20. What kind of language is Algol ?

21. What is reentrant code ??



1. How are hub, bridge, switch and router different.
2. When to use the above devices specifically
3. What are different network topologies
4. what is the difference between paging and segmentation
5. what is virtual memory
6. What does fork do
7. What are the differences between a command and a system call in Unix
8. What are mapped files
9. What are the debugging tools that you use?
10. How do you use 'gdb'?
11. What is the definition of a Turing Machine?

Formal Verification specific:

1. What is an identity element
2. What is an invariant


1. What is a field and what is a group?

G Santosh

Project related?

1. What is XML?
2. What is the difference between XML and HTML?
3. What are the XML tools that you have used?
4. How does XML look in a browser?
5. Which broser and version support XML?
6. How does the browser display an XML document when there are no formatting tags?
7. If XML documents can have any tags and different authors may name the same things
differently how can XML be a standard?
8. Why should we not store the XML document as a relation directly without storing
the tree structure?
9. If I have a student database should I store it in a relational DBMS or an XML DBMS
10. What is XML based on?
11. If SGML is the superset of XML why not use SGML?


1. What are the advantages of Object oriented programming languges?
2. What are the drawbacks of object oriented programming languages, say C++?
3. What are the other object oriented programming languages (other than C++)
4. Write the implementation of a stack?
5. What is IPC?
6. What happens when you switch the computer on?
7. What did you learn in Computer Organization, Digital Circuits?
8. What is a Karnaugh map for?
9. What is the difference between combinatorial and sequential circuits?
10. A boolean expression is given. Give the minimum number of gates required
to implement the expression.
The expression was something like this (~ - not, + - or)
a~b + b~ac + a~bc + ~ac
11. What did you learn in AI?
12. What are agents?
13. What are the general errors that you get in C++?
14. When and why do you get 'Segmentation Fault'?
15. What is PL-SQL
16. Write down the IT subjects that you have done in your BTech?


Project related :-
What is HTML?
How does the web work?
What is XML, How does it differ from HTML?
What is special about asp.
What does ISCII have which UNICODE doesn't have?

Miscellaneous :-
What is demand paging?
Except for naturality, why is recursion better than
Write down a factorial program? Will it compute
What is virtual memory?
What is JVM? Is it platform independent? What is the
environment that it requires/defines?
Write down the definition of a structure for a
point? What is its size? Add a 'byte' to it? Now what is its
Declare a 10X5 integer matrix using pointers?
What is mkfs in Linux?
How is the filesystem organization in Linux?
What is an inode?

Other :-
What is your GRE score?
Would you like to go for GRE later?
What are your areas of interest?

M Santosh


1. What is an Embedded System ?
2. Is an Embedded system ALWAYS used to assist an Electronic
gadget ?
3. Give Pin configuration of a 9-pin RS-232 port.
4. Block diagram of your project in Embedded Systems.
5. What is UART ?
6. The interface between a program which is capable of changing
the serial port settings and the port itself.
7. What is a circular queue ?
8. Its advantages over a normal queue.
9. What is a Switch ?
10. What is a Router ?
11. What is a Bridge ?
12. Which is more expensive - router or a switch ? and why ?
13. Can a Bridge be used to interconnect more than 2 LANs ?

Non Technical:

1. Why did you join IIIT ?
2. What was your EAMCET rank ?
3. What is your CGPA ?
4. What is your GRE score ? split ??
5. How important is this job for you ?
6. Did you attend for the I-labs interview ?
7. Any questions ??


1. What is a binary tree? (data structures)
2. Inorder, preorder and postorder traversals of a binary tree.
3. Write a program to insert a new node(value) in a binary search tree.

4. Can assembly programming be done in C?

5. Define OS? (operating systems)
6. What is thrashing?
7. What is a deadlock?
8. How does an OS detect a deadlock?

9. What are constraints? (Databases)

10. Write a program to compute the histogram (frequencies of grey levels)
of a black & white image. (Digital Image Processing)


1. What is your rank in the class?
2. What are your future plans?


1. What is virtual Memory ?
2. Write the hexadecimal equivalent of 258.
3. What is Line Algoritham?
4. Why is the first form of normalization so defined ( Databases ).
5. Why do we have different forms like hexadecimal, 2's complement,octal
etc ?
6. define operating system.
7. what is deadlock ? give a real-life example of deadlock .



1) Explain the project with the help of block diagrams
2) What exactly happens when a signal is sampled at the
receiving end. How does the sampling circuit look like.
3) How is the convolution of two different signals done.
What does the result suggests.
4) Explain the TMS DSP processor's architecture.
5) Why are we using DSP processor other than normal
processor. Advantages??


1) What is India's position in the current Hockey world
cup being held in Malaysia.(As on the day of
2) In Linux, list some commands
What is shell and what are the advantages of various
shell variables. Have you ever used them while
3) What are the various types of files generated when a
c file is compiled in linux. What in general happens
when a file is compiled.
4) What are shared libraries in unix. How do they differ
from the normal ones.
5) What is virtual memory.
6) What is line algorithm.

1) What's the use of sizeof( ) function... since one can
always directly write number of bytes instead of
calling the function.
2) Depict the values:
int p = -200;
char c;
c = p;
printf("%d\t%d", c++, ++c);



1. Why do you want to pursue a job at I-labs.

2. If someone asks you very low level questions how would you feel.

3. If you had a choice between higher education and Job, what would you
prefer and why.

4. How important are your past achievements for you.

5. What is the difference between LIFO and FIFO

6. What are the main aspectal differences between Java and C++.

7. What is Morphing

8. What is the meaning of Normalization

9. What is inheritence

10. If you had to choose between inherting and creating an instance in the
new context of a new class what would you prefer and why

11. If there is a database of book with the title and authors and number
of copies, what additional details do you need to decided upon the model
of your database architecture.

12. How do you rate yourself in comparision of your classmates.

13. Why would you work for two years and pursue the next degree and not
immediately. (Incase i do a job)

- What is First Normalization
- What is Second Normalization
- What is polymorphism in OOAD
- What do you mean by extending a class in JAVA
- What is encapsulation

- Why did you choose IIIT for your graduate studies
- What did you learn as a TA
- What are your strenghts
- Why are you not interested in doing MS or higher studies
- Given a choice, would you work in a huge company or a startup small
company when the payscales are equal

P Praveen

1 . Tell me something abt Ur family ??
2. What is Ur EAMCET rank ??
3. Why did U join IIIT ??
4. Did U think Ur decision is correct ??
5. What do U think U can contribute to i-Labs ??
6. With 2220 GRE score why do U want to join us ??kkk



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