Total Time: 60 minutes. Total Marks: 40.Section 1A question will be given from lists with some conditions. like L(a,b,c) is a list and the value of the list is the remaining elements in it except the first element.But if the list is L(a,(b,c))then it is called a list in a list and sme condiions are put forward for that.
Section 2
This also comprises similar type of questions.But with some xGyD is a word then xGGyGGo ia also a valid word and so find the number of valid words in the given set.Question may seem to be easy but very difficult if u attempt.It is very difficult the answer the first two sections.
Section 3
Consist a set of dominoes and essentially deals with numbers and this is also tough.NO aptitude.Some arrangement in a matrix of numbers.
Section 4
Consists of anagrams and SOLVE THIS FIRST these can fetch you marks easily.ababab coded to bababa then what is cacaca coded to......?same type only.
Section 5
Words. You have to fill the words and find the corresponding meanings from the answer.It was easy. If you prepare for GRE.
The first Section has 20 out of 40 marks.There is 1 mark for each question with a negative marking of O.25. Interview nothing special.Only puzzle solving and basic technical.