CTS PATTERN - 29 MAR 2007 - THANJAVUR Hi , I am Vijai Anand....I got placed in CTS.... PATTERN: 1. VERBAL (25 questions-25min) find the correct sentence(5) find the incorrect sentence(5) jumbled sentence(5) reading passage(10) 2. ANALYTICAL (25 questions-30min) venn diagram(5) data sufficient(5) coding(5) cubes(5) puzzle(5) for analytical section refer verbal &nonverbal-r.s.agarwal.more than sufficient.. 3. NON VERBAL (20 questions-20 min) odd figure out(5) next figure(5) logical deduction(5) puzzle test(5) This section is very simple....... during interview be confident in ur ans...eye contact is very important.... all the best Vijai Anand