De Sha Previous Years Solved Sample Placement Papers
According to the passage, egalitarianism will not survive if:
(A) It is based on voluntary renunciation
(B) It is achieved by resorting to physical force
(C) Underprivileged people are not involved in its establishment
(D) People's outlook towards it is not radically changed
Answer: (D) People's outlook towards it is not radically changed
According to the passage, why does man value his possessions more than his life?
(A) He has inherent desire to share his possession with others
(B) He is endowed with the possessive instinct
(C) Only his possession helps him earn love and respect from his descendants
(D) Through his possessions he can preserve his name even after his death
Answer: (D) Through his possessions he can preserve his name even after his death
According to the passage, which was the unfinished part of Gandhi's experiment?
(A) Educating people to avoid class conflict
(B) Achieving total political freedom for the country
(C) Establishment of an egalitarian society
(D) Radically changing the mind and attitude of men towards truth and non-violence
Answer: (C) Establishment of an egalitarian society
Which of the following statements is 'not true' in the context of the passage?
(A) True egalitarianism can be achieved by giving up one's possessions under compulsion
(B) Man values his life more than his possessions
(C) Possessive instinct is a natural desire of human beings
(D) In the political struggle, the fight was against alien rule
Answer: (B) Man values his life more than his possessions
According to the passage, true egalitarianism will last only if:
(A) It is thrust upon people
(B) It is based on truth and non-violence
(C) People inculcate spiritual values instead of material values
(D) 'Haves' and 'have-nots' live together peacefully
Answer: (C) People inculcate spiritual values instead of material values
According to the passage, people ultimately overturn a social order:
(A) which is based on coercion and oppression
(B) which does not satisfy their basic needs
(C) which is based upon conciliation and rapprochement
(D) which is not congenital to the spiritual values of the people
Answer: (A) which is based on coercion and oppression
According to the passage, the root cause of class conflict is:
(A) The paradise of material satisfaction
(B) Dominant inherent acquisitive instinct in man
(C) Exploitation of the 'have-nots' by the 'haves'
(D) A Social order where the unprivileged are not a part of the establishment
Answer: (B) Dominant inherent acquisitive instinct in man