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Home » Placement Papers » Honeywell Placement Papers 11 JUNE 2006, Loyola College Chennai » Honeywell Placement Paper

Honeywell Placement Paper 11 JUNE 2006, Loyola College Chennai


I wrote Honeywell test on June 11, 2006 at Loyola College Chennai and got selected for technical interviews. Interview was at Madurai. Since I am from Computer Science & Engineering branch, I am giving only CSE paper, they had two different papers, one for CS and other for Electronics streams.

There was two Parts of test, first containing 100 multiple choice questions and second containing descriptive questions from various subjects of CSE. Multiple choice questions had 25% NEGATIVE marks on wrong answers. Descriptive
questions are very important, because it is going to play very important role for your selection and in Interviews too they will have your descriptive answer sheet and will ask questions from that. So write well descriptive questions, it is not very tough.

Part I (Time 90 minutes) with 1/4 Negative marks.
Multiple choice questions ware divided into three parts

1. 50 Technical questions from the following subjects
{C, C++, Data structure, Operating System, Computer Networks, Database, Software Engineering, Real time systems, Compiler Design, Algorithms, Microprocessor and Computer architecture.} From every these subjects they has asked 3-7 questions.

2. 30 questions from C( It was same for all branches). 30 C programs ware given and we ware asked to find the output of those programs or what is error in that. Almost all programs ware from structure, union, pointers, Arrays, Enumerated data types and macros.

3. 20 Aptitude questions( Very Very easy, even class 8 th student can solve all 20 questions.)

Part II (Time 30 minute) NO -ve marks.
Descriptive questions (3)
1. What is the difference between process and threads? 2 marks
2. Some numbers ware given we were to construct binary tree for that. 4 marks
3. Write a program to add two complex number using structure in C which takes input and print output in Main(). 4marks.

Answer to Question 3::
//Addition of Two complex number using structure
struct comp
int real;
int imag;
} s,t;

void Add(struct comp *, struct comp *);

void main()
printf("Enter the two complex numbers ");
printf("(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) ");
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &s.real, &s.imag, &t.real, &t.imag);
Add(&s, &t);
printf(" Sum of two complex number is: %d+i%d ", s.real, s.imag);

void Add( struct comp *s, struct comp *t )
s->real = s->real + t->real;
s->imag = s->imag + t->imag;

I am not sure about the cutoff, but out of around 2000 persons appeared in written test, only 86 got selected for Interviews.
Some of the questions in multiple choice ware
1. Which sorting technique is most efficient with respect to time.

2. Which sorting technique is most efficient in both best and worst cases.
3. Which one is correct order of sorting techniques with respect to space complexity.
a. merge sorts, Bubble sort, Heap sort b. Quick sort, Heap sort, Insertion sort..
4. If timing requirement is the main issue, which system will you prefer
a. Hard real time system, b. Soft real time system, c. Mission critical syste,
5. Bankers algorithm is used for
a. Deadlock Preventions b. Deadlock avoidance c. deadlock detection...
6. One expression was given and we was to find postfix notation for that.
7. For a tree find the breadth first traversals.
8. For a given binary tree find the correct preorder traversal.
9. Which one is correct syntax of pointer of a function.
10. For a given union, what is the memory space allocated for its variables.
11. Error correction is done in which layer of OSI reference model.

There were three rounds of Interviews
1. 1st Technical (40-60 minute)
2. 2nd Technical (30-45 minute)
3. HR interview (10-20 minutes)

If you qualify first technical interview, you will go to second, if you qualify second technical interview, you will go to HR interview, which is normal one, no technical questions in HR. I am giving the questions asked to me in the Technical Interviews

1. Introduce yourself briefly.
2. How much good you are in C ( on the scale of 1-10)
3. They gave me the same complex number program and told me what modification I can do in it.( Again write the program)
4. Write the same complex number addition program with passing values to function, passing structure to function and passing address of the structure to the function.
5. What is recursion? What will happen is we don't give termination condition? How efficient recursion is compared to iteration.
6. What are the storage classes? Explain each with examples.
7. Where register variables are stored? Where registers remain in computer? How many registers are there.
8. Write a program to implement static storage class.( many questions on this)
9. What is Union? Write syntax of union. How memory is allocated for the members of Union. How it is different from structure? When we use union and when structure.
10. What is dynamic memory allocation?
11. Write syntax for allocating memory for Integer using malloc().
12. What is type casting?
13. What is the need of type casting in malloc().
12. What is difference between malloc() and calloc().
13. How memory is released?
14. Where malloc() save variables? ( In which memory- Primary, RAM)
15. What is Preprocessor?
16. What it is called in C?
17. How it works? What is the need of macros?
18. How parameters are passed in C?
19. What is call by value, call by reference, and call by address? What is difference between them? Explain with examples.
20. Rate yourself in Data structure. (on the scale of 1 -10)
21. How we measure the efficiency of program?
22. What are the asymptotic notations? Explain with example.
23. What data structures do you know? (Stack, Queue, Linked list, Circular linked list, doubly linked list, graphs, tree, heap)
24. What is hashing? How it works? Che tanaS
25. What is difference between graph and tree? (define and explain)
26. What is B+ tree?
27. What is Binary tree? (They gave me one set of number and asked to construct binary Tree for that and explain binary search algorithm on that tree. What is efficiency of binary search?)
28. Rate yourself in Operating System.
29. What is scheduling? What are the scheduling techniques? Explain.
30. Which scheduling technique is used in Windows XP?(I Explained the scheduling technique used in UNIX and VAX/ VMX systems.)
31. Which scheduling technique do you think is best and why? Explain its working?
32. What is deadlock?
33. What are the conditions for deadlock.
34. What is deadlock avoidance and deadlock prevention.
35. What is difference between process and thread.
36. Any question from us?

I hope this information will be useful to you. Be confident in interviews and be calm, they even ask same question again and again in different ways to test your confidence in subject. Be ready for any question with any level of difficulty.




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