Section-1: English 20Questions 20min
Section-2: Aptitude 30Questions 30min
Section-3: Numerical Ability 30Questions 20min
Section-4: Reading Comprehension 10Questions 20min
Numerical ability consists of simple mathematical calculations.
For Aptitude just solve RS Agarwal.
In Reading Comprehension, they will first give you a passage. Should read the
passage in 15min and should return it. They will give a paper consisting of 10
Questions related to passage and should be answered in 5min. Note that there is
Coming to Technical Interview, for CSE and IT, they mainly concentrate on DBMS
and UNIX. Apart from these knowledge of programming languages is must. If you
clear the techical interview then HR is just a "Cakewalk". This is the
information which I had collected from my friends.
All The Best