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IBM Placement Paper 20
No. of Ques. -- 40
Total marks -- 40
Time limit -- 40 minutes
no -ve marks
Female candidates get extra preference, they have lower cut off
Comprehension -- 5 ques (5 marks)
Quantitative -- 20 ques (20 marks)
easiest ques from Agarwal
time & work
hight & dist.
data sufficiency(4)
Prob) is the no a perfect square, if R is integer?
1) R+1 is a square
2) no is divisible by 16
ques on cube(7)
venn prob
if 3 hundred 33 is 333 then 120 hundred 12 is ?
Technical -- 15 ques (15 marks)
prob on C, SQL, DBMS, ...(some ques from Test your C skills)
ques are easy but difficult to answer for ECE student.
some questions had wrong ans, but don't confused.
duration 10 -- 40 minutes
common HR ques.
what is linked list?
how many loops are there?
what is the difference bet do loop & do while loop?
how many bits make a byte?
what is binary division?
oop concept
what is polimorphism & inheritance property?
how to define structure?
what is macro & its advantage?
how many bytes take char?
how string is stored in array?
ques on project
some ques on networking: they showed a wire & asked what is this &
write a prog to print -ve to +ve integer/ content of array/
fibonaccy series etc.