hi friends, i am extremely happy to contribute some of my experiences with you. ibm visited our campus on 27th july,you have to be very attentive from the begining right from the presentation of the company,you should listen and understand all the things that are being told by the company deligate.understand all things about the comapany like in what areas the comapny is working on and all the details that are displayed there.
after this presentation a wriiten test was conducted,the written test looks very tough but the only thing you have to keep in mind that you have to perform upto your potential,do not get disheartend if you are not able to attempt less question in any section.
WRITTEN TEST 1. Data Matrices-
- 3 data matrices
- 5 questions from each
- Total 15 questions
- Time: 13 minutes
- No negative marking
Mark all as there is no negative marking for this section,firstlly draw a corresponding matric and go through the questions you will find them easy now.
2. Number Series-
- 20 questions
- Time: 4 minutes
- Negative marking: 1/4 each
Try to attempt at least 10 correctly. Be careful as there is negative marking. Don't make blind guess. It is very easy section. Very simple series will be there,do not go through fast,and do not panic you will find the pattern of series easily.
3. Quantitative Ability/Analytical Section-
- 12 questions
- Time:15 minutes
- Negative marking: 1/4 each
- Tricky questions from Profit & Loss, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interests etc.
Try to attempt at least 5 correctly. Be careful as there is negative marking. Don't make blind guess. One thing that you should remember is TIME MANAGEMENT. We were told to write an essay on "Importance of communication in IT industry" within 15 minutes.
GROUP DISCUSSION Our topic was "SHOULD INDAIN BRAINS GO OUTSIDE OR NOT.....THE BRAIN DRAIN PROBLEM". There were 10 persons in a group and duration was around 15 minutes. First 10 minutes were for open discussion and then everybody was given 30 seconds to summarize. Express your views only. It is not necessary that you have to take one side; speak your points confidentailly,do not look towards the examner try to convince others on your points,if it does not happen,do not get panic as they only want from you to spaek confidently,so be confident.
AFTER THE GROUP DISCUSSION PERSONAL INTERVIEW WAS THERE.........quesion asked in order from me.. 1.hi plz be seated,gave her hand to say hello,do it confidence.sit down saying thanks sir
2.he will go through your resume..saw my resume and said you are looking very samrt in this pic...he only wants to see your response...say thanks sir
3.asked about by hometown
4.what your father do..i replied he has got a small scale business,and he has been in this from last 30 yaers,he said quiet a long time in business..i said yes sir. your father has got a small scale business,so why do you want to switch to software field................i replied i have seen my father doing a lot of hardships,and no one will want that his son should also go through these hardships.
6.asked about my family...
7.then again go through the resume..asked about my area of interest....i replied...dbms,data structurs....he asked any one else i said ya sir many more....
8.ok dear i do not know anything about DBMS tell me waht is was like a gift question to me i explained it right from begining starting from its features, how to farme how to manipulte the database,how to access the database,what sharing means in dbms.about querying from the databse.....i explained it for about ten minutes..he was quiet impressed said GOOD
9.asked about querying from it can be done....i replied sir it can be done using sql query... 10.what are differenet type of data structures...easy one... 11.what does data mean...wher data resides in a system..easy one 12.again go through the resume...the question i was expecting my have 75 in 10th than a downfall of 8% in 12th,than again a downfall of 6% in B.Sc,can i know the reason.... i replied sir i have not a keen interest in organic chemistry,i have got good marks in math and physics but i only oftenly read organic chemistry....ok tell the formula of benzene..ireplied..than asked formula of methyl alcohol and then formula of ethyl alcohol....i replid than he asked the difference between then....i said i dont know sir....said i think you still do not go through organic chemistry...
13.ok you said that your father has done a lot of hardships,so what have you learnt from your father....i replied.... i told the whole stroy of mine after 12th when i started giving engeeneering entrance...i never gt a good rank so he always says to to me....."never got dishaertend,you are not getting success does not mean that you will not succeed anytime,everytime you will learn something from the faillures and one day you will definitely succeed.
14.ok why ibm.....easy one for me prepare it.. are sent to a department in ibm you are not are not willing to go....waht will you do... i said sir i have gone through the presentation and if any employee is sent to an other department he is given a propr trainig....he was impressed said it means you were attentive there....
16.still you are forced to go there..what will you do....i said sir i have to work for the company,for the welfare of company,so i will learn that thing and go forward for it...he said good
17.ok your weakness..easy one 18.what are your hobbies 19.which game you have played here 20.ok wah thave you learnt here..after coming to this college...
and many more questions of these types only.....what matters is that be confident and reply what your hart permits. and what matters most is "HAVE FAITH IN GOD, HE IS ALMIGHTY"