INFOSYS PAPER ON 18th JUNE AT HYDERABAD hu people who didnt get in cts dnt be frank...the easiest way to get in to any company is only cts.....the easiest jus qualify aptitude ull hav sme stupid interview nd over....nd cming to infy....first of all the most importat thind is qualifying aptitude....if u hav qualified aptitude 80% of it is over....aptitude had... QUANTITATIVE:::::(30 MARKS) 5 MARKS::u got to be perfect at deductions....i e thm welll..easy way of scoring 5 MARKS::next i wasnt prepared wth data interpretation....but got a very simple problem wth it....EASY TO SCORE... 5 MARKS::data sufficiecy probs will cme for sure ...easy only depends on question u get must be perfect wth concepts like time nd work stuff in aptitude....concepts will be sufficient 5 MARKS::the 1 to 5 questions,,,,i got were very difficult....i couldnt do thm at all...nd many also found tht was on wat bigger when sme conditions were given....sort of reasoning question..... 5 MARKS::arrangement or selection type questions can score easily....... 5 MARKS::figure given set of figures...find odd man out will be one sort nd other is...fine the next preceeding one..i got the secnd type...for this u need to refer verbal nd non verbal r s aggarwal for sure....... quantitative will be quite easy except one set.....where i feeel u can do it by seeing options...refer verbal nd non verbal by r s agarwaal...nd doo time matl.... VERBAL(40 MARKS) PEOPLE SAY CUTOFF WILL BE MAINLY ON HW U DO VERBAL..... GETTING EXCELLENT IN QUANT..ND GETTING LESS IN VERBAL IS NT GOING TO HELP U AT ALLL...ull be having a seperate cut off for verbal... verbal i think it was 30 min 40 questions....nd im damn sure time wnt be sufficient 5 MARKS::deriving conclusions from passages...u got to do this frm r s agarwaal..this will be helpful..nd try to read the small para or senetences thorughly first time this will help u...nd easy to score.. SENTENCE COMPLETION::i think it was 6 to 8 will be sme practice frm general grammar books or time matls...nd crt or 2 mite be toug.. SENTENCE CORRECTION::this depends on u...practice thm welll...long sentence with a a bit long underlined part will be will be easy only errors will be on tenses nd spellings...nd others will be general was like error in rise and raise which i got.... so u got to see the question carefullly 10MARKS::2 reading comprehensions will be given each sme one and half page.its tough to read it nd generally all of thm do it at end...many do it at end main thing to note here is 2 to 3 questions will be frm 1 st para.....nd last will be frm last 2 paras...oone mite be sme conclusion sort of thing which ull be able to guess.... THT S IT WTH INFI...APTITUDE...IF U COMPLETE APTITUDE 80% IS OVER..... NEXT HR.... SME HR S MITE BE RASH LIKE THEY DNT C UR FACE WHN U SAY GUD MRNING SORT OF....OT MITE HURT ALSO BEING NON IT Y DO U WANNA ME CANT U GET SETTLED IN UR FIELD....ND STUFF.... BUT ONE THING U GOT TO KNOW IS........BE DAMN COOOOOL...DNT FEEL NERVOUS AT ALLL..IF THY GET TO SEE UR NERVOUS....IM SURE THY WILL TRY TO ELIMINATE U...BY SME MEANS....ASING TOUGH QUESTIONS ND STUF... BE PREPARED WTH TELL ME ABT URSLEF ND ALL.....THY WILL ASK U UR WEAKNESS ND WAT HE DOES IT AFFECT U AND ALLL.. PREPARE HR QUESTIONS.....PUZZLES.... SME EASY PUZZLES....WILL B ASKED....U NEED NOT GET THE SOLUTION...JUS U GOT TO TRY IT WITH IN TIME ND C THT U GET THE MOST ACCURATE SOLUTIONS... ND U MITE BE DOING SHAKUNTALA DEVI...MOSTLY PUZZLES WILL BE ON HW TO ARRANGE MATCH STICKS CIRCLES...COINS.....CAKES...CANDLES...ROPE ...ND SME LIKE 3 MONEKY EAT 3 BANANAS IN DAYS HW MUCH TIME DOES IT TAKE FOR 4 MONKEYS TO EAT 4 BANANAS......ND IF U ANSWER THT THY WILL REVERSE THE QUESTION LIKE HW MANY MONKEYS CAN EAT 12 BANANS IN 12 DAYS ULL GET A LOGIC CHANGE HERE ND EVEN IF U TELLING WRONG BE CONFIDENT SAY THT U R 100% SURE....ND BE CONFIDENT ND COOL...DNT GET NERVOUS...TRY TO SPEAK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE...... HE WILL ASK U TO SPEAK ABT SME TOPIC....HE MITE GIVE U A GENERAL TOPIC..OR HE MITE ASK US TO CHOOSE BY OUR OWN.... ND ASUSUAL THERE WILL BE SITUATION...THY MITE ASK NYTHING.... LIKE THY ASKED WHM DO U WANT TO BE??? ONE OF MA FREN ANSWERED RAJINIKANNTH...SHE NEXT SHOWERED HIM WTH A FEW DIFFICULT HR QUESTIONS.....AND HE LOST SO BE CAREFUL IN ANSWERING SUCH QUESTIONNS....... ND PREPARE ABT WAT U WANNA SAY UR WEAKNESS WELLL... BECAUSE IT WAS OFF CAMPUS...SME GAL FRM OTHER COLLEGE TOLD THT HER WEAKNESS WAS SHORT TEMPER....THT HR JUS SIMPLY TOLD HER TO GET OUT...SO BE CAREFULLL.... THT S IT GUYS ABT INFI.... ALL THE BEST