Hello friends,i attended this off campus in delhi. the paper format was the same,the very first ques was expected 2 b of cubesbut it was a difficult one. 1. a person has property consisting of cash,some gold coins & some silver bars.each gold coin costs 4000 Rs & each silver bar costs 3000/.he gave his first daughter 25%of his property+Rs 25000 2 his second daughter 25% of property + Rs 10000 and gave his other daughters in succession 10% of property+25000 more than he gave to his eldest daughter. 5 ques were given on this data like 2 find total no of daughters etc... i did not get the ques so i skipped it.but as there is no negative marking go for some blind guesses. 5 ques were based on figures. 5 ques on data sufficiency 5 ques on a puzzle ....PQRST are 5 members of a family.3 ladies and 2 malesall ahve diff professions and 2 ladies dont play any game....some more cluesan easy one 5 ques on syllogism do practice fm venn diagrams method
the verbal sec was an easy one .if u r fm english medium u can easily b through it..2 long passages. it is always beneficial 2 start paper fm back then try passages at the end. first c the ques then search the ans u will easily find them. so i got through d written . we were called for the interview d next day. in my panel there were 2 people.they asked me 2 introduce myself. vthen asked me which paper u read and which page. asked abt the books u have read till now...asked me to tell the story of 1. gave me 1 puzzle 2 make 81 using 8 ,14 times. i tried ,my approach was ok but i didnt reach the ans.
it lasted abt 15-20 mins then they said ok best of luck. asked mr if u have any ques ..i asked was i able 2 satisfy ur queries. they said we cant ans this ques any thing else.. i said no..
the result is 2 b mailed after 4-5 weeks ..friends just wish me luck...
By, Parul Agarval