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Infosys Placement Paper 54
Infosys Placement Paper 54
Infosys Placement Papers
INFOSYS-Placement Paper-16 June 2006-Chennai
Total no of Students attended:2400
Shortlisted :800
selected : 596
The paper was very easy,mostly old Questions.same pattern(questions not in order)
1.Refer shakuntala pg no 86 Q.no:133 (ans:15)
2.Refer shakuntala q.no 45 (same pattern) (ans:64)
3.Four persons A,B,C,Dare playing cards.Each person has one card, laid down on table ,which has two different colours on either side.The colours visible on the table are red,green,red and blue.
they see the colour on reverse side and give folling comments.
A:yellowor green
B:neither blue nor green
C:blue or yellow
D:blue or yellow
Given that out of 4 people 2 always lie .find out colours on the cards of each.
4.There few diamonds 1st thief takes half diamonds +2, 2nd thief takes half diamonds +2,3rd thief takes half diamonds +2,4th thief takes half diamonds +2. when 5th thief comes no diamonds.Find the no of diamond (ans:60)
5.There was a person whose age was 80 in year 490, and in year 500 his age was 70. find his year of birth(values may not be correct) Che ta naS
ANS:510 B.C (since age decreases with year increase its B.C ,its very important)
6.Some statements were given and Q were asked from that (sorry i forgot)but very easy.
7.A man travels at speed of 12m/h and at return speed was 15m/h (data not correct)
ans:2xy/x+y x=12, y=15
8.Two train starts from two town for each hour. it takes 5hours to rach oter town.how many trains does the train come across.(ans i dont know)
9.sum on series (easy) 10. sory i forgot .
Next day shortlisted students had interview. mainly HR questions were asked very rarely technical. Each panel has only one person. The person who came for me was the head of global recuirement for infy. He was very friendly, soft spoken and Very smart.
ME:Excuse me sir.(my slot was 10.15, but called at 12.30)
HE:sorry shobana,waiting for such long time!(he might have seen me waiting)
ME:full of smiless!!!!!!!!!!
HE:tell about urselves
ME:said in 7 minutes.
he:why u want to join IT field (I belong to mechanical background)
me:gave very smart ans
he :(visibly he was satisfied)VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!
HE: if posted outside chennai ,will u be happy?
me: very very happy sir and explained it(Iam bit jovial and so said that iam bored with chennai!!!!!! blah blah)
HE: (With all smiles )VERY GOOD!!!!!!Any Question to me?
me: asked a ques he had never expected (i asked about client satisfaction and feedbacks)
HE: (explained very well). then asked to submit my mark sheets.THEN gave shake hands and asked 2 wait till evening
Me:THank u sir!!!!!!!!!!(i was confident that i will be selected)
For interview they mainly see our confidence level, english, our commitement to join infy and personality also matters!!!!! (Be well dressed with light colour formal dress its very important). Some times being short listed from written test might need luck also . so dont loose hope if not shortlisted. This year every IT company need about 20,000 -30,000 enggs. So if not in one company u will be placed in another. I pray to god that all members of this wonderfull group will be placed within this year. ALL THE BEST
SAY 'U'CAN AND 'U' WILL!!!!!!!!!
Edited by kishore1 - 19Jul2006 at 2:21am