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Infosys Placement Paper 59
Infosys Placement Paper 59
Infosys Placement Papers
INFOSYS - Placement Paper - 06 Aug 2006
This time da infosys paper was not da old questions..they were all new except fer a few quests. i do not remember all da questions but i wil tel u da type they were..
1) there are two trains movin in opp direction,1 train is twice as long as another train, how many times is da other train faster.
ans: 8 times
I had gone thru old papers answer was 4 times but since the length of da train in twice i multiplied with 2 ok..
2) this one was a very easy simulataneous eqn question..there were some statements of this sort
a) painterplumber=3100
b) plumber carpenter=5300
and a few more of this sort it is very easy i got it right...simple math calculations.
3) this is a repeat question...the trees and birds wala question it is there in da previous papers..find da number of trees..the answer is 45
4) this was an 8 mark question this was lik five town names were given and we hv to find out which one was industrial town and capital and 4 questions were given i dint work out this probel wa pretyy big..so i jus tried eliminating da choices and guessed da answers.
5) this was a question with 4 people and four jobs we hv to find out whose job is wat...put iti n columns and rows and solve pretty simple i got it righ. another 8 mark question.
6) this has two couples sittin across a square table they all play 1 instrument we hv to find out who play da violin..this is a combination problem we hv to try some combinationa nd solve it...
7) ann wears blue only if eve wears red,carol and ann never wear blue togehter, carol and eve wear red but not at da same time wat color is ann wearin??
ann=red and carol and eve=blue..i remember this cause they asked me this puzzle in da interview!!
sorry da dats all i remember but i solved 9 out of 10...one i left it blank
and english part i really enjoyed doin it..it was not so easy but pretty interestin. finished in 20 minutes..and take care not to start wit comprehension it is very time consumin...start fron da back ok...then it wil be fine
now fer da interview,
i was called at 1:50 next day..was there around 1:15...they called me in on time..there was a lady and a man interviewin me..noth were around 40..they first asked my CV then she saw i had writen to work in a challenging environment in da objective she asked me wat was da challenging evnironment and in my asstets i had written
1)interpersonal skills
2)team work
3)good analytical skills...
she sked all da three..
then i was actually very nervous they both tried to cool me..then they asked if i wud be able to relocate and work on 247 shift basis..i kinda answered sumthin, then they sked me if i had any questions i said no..
don b nervous...nothin they ask..and please be as casual as possible.....and be yourself!! GOOD LUCK!!