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Infosys Placement Paper 84
Infosys Placement Paper 84
Infosys Placement Papers
INFOSYS - Questino Paper 3 - 09 aug 2005
1.There were 2 systems A n B.14 degrees in A is equivalent to 36 in
system B.and 133 in A is equivalent to 87 in B.now what is the
temperature where they both r equal?
(4 marks)
2.Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate.
It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass.
How many days will 20 cows take.?
3.After gathering 770 chestnuts, three girls divided them up so that amounts were in the same proportion as their ages. As often as mary took four chestnuts, nelli took three, and for every six that mary received, Susie took seven. How many chestnuts did each girl get ?
4. There are 4 girls (say, ABCD). Each belonged to a different family (say,
PQRS).Each prepared a salad using different kinds of fruits. None of the girls used more than 2 kinds of fruits in common. The fruits used were cherries, grapes, bananas and apples. Some clues were given and 4 ?s were asked.
5. Two coin is flipped. One gets $ 1 on winning. At the end of play, one had won $ 3 and the other had won three times. How many games did they play altogether?
6.There is a peculiar island where people speak a strange language called �Kubi�.The men always speak truth and a women never say two 2 consecutive truth or false statements, that is, if she says truth statement once then she says false statement next and vice versa. The boys and girls always lie. One day I asked a child �Are you a boy or girl ?" and the child replied in Kubi. Since I didn�t know the language, I asked the child�s parents what it means. One of the parents said �The child says,�I am a boy�� and the other said that "The child is a girl. He lied".
a) Is the child a boy or a girl
b) Which parent answered first?
7. vendor who is an ex-mathematician has a number of apples and when he arranges them in rows of 3 he is left with one more, when he arranges them in rows of 5 again he is left with 1 more, Same happens with when he tries to arrange them in rows of 7 and 9 that is 1 apple is left extra.
But when he arranges them in a row of 11 he is left with none. Can u tell me how many apples were there?
8.question like A is older than B but younger than C ...etc to find the youngest..
1 ,2, 3, 5, 16,_
don't remember