1. A boy picks up the phone and asks "Who are you?". The voice from the other side answers "I am your mother's mother-in-law". What is the relation of the boy with the fellow speaking at the other end.
3 Marks.
2. Imagine a rectangle. Its length = 2*width. A square of 1 inch is cut on all corners so that the remaining portion forms a box when folded. The volume of the box is _____ cubic inches. Find the original dimensions of the box.
3 Marks.
3. 2 persons are doing part time job in a company say A and B. THe company is open for all the 7 days of the week. 'A' works every second day. 'B' works every 3rd day. If 'A'works on first june and 'B' works on second june. Find out the date on which both 'A' and 'B' will work together.
4 Marks.
4. Consider a pile of Diamonds on a table. A thief enters and steals 1/2 of th e total quanity and then again 2 extra from the remaining. After some time a second thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. Then 3rd thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. Then 4th thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. When the 5th one enters he finds 1 diamond on the table. Find out the total no. of diamonds originally on the table before the 1st thief entered.
4 Marks.
5. Imagine 4 persons A,B,C,D. (It is a strength determining game). A found it hard, but could pull 'C' and 'D' to his side. AC and BD pairs on opposite sides found themselves equally balanced. When A and B exchanged thier positions to form pairs AD and BC, BC pair could win and pull AD to thier side. Order the 4 persons in Ascending order according to thier strengths.
3 Marks.
6. Consider a beauty contest. 3 persons participate. Their names are Attractive, Delectable, Fascinating. They are from 3 tribes Pukkas, Wottas, Summas. Pukkas - Always speak truth. Wottas - Always speak lies. Summas - Speak truth and lies alternatively. Each of the 3 persons make 2 statements. The person who speaks truth is the least beautiful. From the statements they give and the character of the 3 tribal types, find out which person belongs to which tribe. Also find out the persons in the Ascending order of their beauty.
8 Marks.
7. There are 5 positions-Clerk, Buyer, Cashier, Manager, Floorwalker. There are 5 persons- Mrs.Allen, Mrs.CLark, Twain, Ewing, Bernett. Conditions:
1. Clerk and cashier lunch time 11.30.to12.30.
2. Others 12.30 to 1.30.
3. Mrs.Allen and Bernett play durind lunch time.
4. Clerk and cashier share Bachlor rooms.
5. Ewing and Twain are not in good terms because one day when Twain retuned early from lunch he saw Ewing already sitting for lunch and reported about him to the manager. Find out which person holds which post.
8 Marks.
8. There are 8 courses to be handled by faculty in 2 semesters. 4 in 1st semester and 4 in 2nd semester. The candiadates hired for the post are k, l, m, n, o. The courses are Malvino, Shakespeare, Joyce, Chauncer........... Some conditions will be given like,
1. L and N handle Shakespeare and Malvino.
2. M and O handle Malvino and Joyce.
Two More questions were asked.