1. 9 cards are there. You have to arrange them in a 3*3 matrix. Cards are of 4 colors. They are red, yellow, blue, green. Conditions for arrangement:-
One red card must be in first row or second row.
Two green cards should be in third column.
Yellow cards must be in the three corners only.
Two blue cards must be in the second row.
Atleast one green card in each row.
Ans: Yellow Red Green Blue Blue Green Yellow Green Yellow.
2. Four cards are placed on a table, each card has two colors. You don't know the color of the back side of each card. Four persons A, B, C and D are sitting on the table before the cards. They can see Red, Green Red and Blue. Out of the four poeple, two always lie. They see the color on the reverse side and give the following comments:-
A: Yello/green.
B: Neither Blue/nor Green.
C: Blue/Yellow.
D: Blue/ Yellow.
Find out the color on the other side of the 4 cards.
3. Red and Brown tribes. [From Barrons GRE] Conditions to get married with each other.
4. Venn diagram regarding Rich, muscular, soft-skinned, employed etc. Refer BARRONS GRE GUIDE.