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MBT Placement Paper 15th FEBRUARY
hi this is ashwin from datta meghe college of engg. tech mahindra visited our college on 15 th feb 2007
it consisted of 3 rounds
1.Aptitude tests 2.Technical interview 3.HR interview
first was an online aptitude after they gave a beautiful presentation. in aptitude tests,5 links were there. verbal, nonverbal, fill in the blanks, comprehension, miscellaneous (logical)
logic was a bit difficult. 5 sets were prepared. once entered in a link complete the link and click ok,finish. i got through.
then immediately tech-interview was conducted. c, c++, html, industry based questions were asked. why it? why tech mahindra?
then hr interview was conducted late in the evening. questions like tel me abt urself, strengths, weaknesses, reasons for hiring were asked. The one who takes the interview makes u feel comfortable.
results were announced at 21:30pm i got selected. 46 people in our college were selected.
best of luck and wishin u also to be a part of tech mahindra.