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MBT Placement Paper 7th MARCH AT KOLKATA
hi gyz, i am doing my 6 th semester ece from heritage .Tech Mahindra visited our college on 7th March this year and selected 40 gyz.i am lucky to be one of them.
Test Pattern Aptitude test:1 hrs(cut-off stringent) Technical interview: simple Just confidence Will Carry you through HR: simple
apti test:online 5 sections
Few ques i remember:- how many key strokes required to type numbers from 1 to 1000 a)2786 b)2890 c)2634 d)2893 ans :D
few non verbal pic puzzles. a passage the defeat took hard to digest ---------- -------------- the team.(appropiate prep) he will _______________ (go)___________ school ___________ monday(appropiate prep and proper form of verb go) blood realtions related problems like if a is b's sibling b ias wife of c .c is aunt of g .h is son of c .k is daughter of a.relation between 1)k,c 2)k,g logical reasoning puzzles. and other simple problems.
Technical round: Q1:)What are your fav subjects? Q2:)What do you know about recursion? Q 3:) Can you write one? Q4:) Write a c prog that deletes itself. Q5:) Declare a const.char variable. Q6:)What does dig.electronics deals with? Q7:)Draw a SR flip flop using nand gates .explain operation
HR introduce yourself tell me about your family whwt are your hobbies?
so best of lucck for all By, Sagnik Banerjee