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Placement Papers » Mphasis Palcement Paper 15th SEPTEMBER
Mphasis Placement Paper 15th SEPTEMBER
Hello friends,......... First of all cheers up ! I got placed in MPHASIS on 15th september,2007 at iet,alwar in joint campus recruitment.
Questions were from C,C++,software engg.,data structure,dbms.
Various questions are : 1) What is new Operator ? 2) What is diff. between new and malloc ? 4) What is diff. between link list and array ? Small Program on singly Link Lists 5) How many normal forms we have ? Is Boy Codd Normal Form Suggestable? if so why
DBMSQuestion: Construct E-R Diagram for Banking System Where the Bank Operates like 4 different Banks Combined or Coming under the Authority of Single Bank.Collect all the customer details and represent how do u relate them using tables,Represent the same using E-R( Very Easy if u know the basics)
6) And tell something about each of them ! 7) What is cursor ? 8) What is spiral model ? 9) What are various phases of sdlc 10) Name some protocols ! 11) Given one Program and asked one Output! 12) Difference bet C and Java(Atleast 5 points)
HR Questions Like, Why MphasiS MphasiS Words?(Answer: Put your passion to work Turn it in to Opportunity) EDS( Expertise answers Results) Why the name MphasiS an EDS? Why IT Industry? How long will u stay? Then, If you get on site Opportunity Will u go for long time? Why IT Companies hiring non-IT Graduates?What do u think about that? Willing to relocate? Night Shifts? ok? Salary biased or work biased? Where will u see yourself after 1 year? Future Plans? Why not higher Studies?
Guys they will drill in HR if we say one thing they will make us to Surrender with Words! So be careful.. if u lose confidence and boldness that moment u r out! All The best! thats it see the main thing is ur confidence level.simply say no if u think u donno d answer.see u in mphasis.bubye.
By, Raj