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Placement Papers » Nagarro Palcement Paper 6th JULY 2006 AT NAGARRO, GURGAON
Nagarro Placement Paper 6th JULY 2006 AT NAGARRO, GURGAON
This is the latest nagarro pattern i've seen in 2006.
They have same two papers:
1. Aptitude ( 50 Questions in 90 mins.) Objective
2.Technical (5 Questions in 60 mins.) Subjective
In Aptitude paper first twenty five from maths aptitude.
The questions which i remeber were like
What is the least vaule of x (integer) for which 5/x is an integer?
ladder sliding question from tenth R.S. AGGARWAL
question on PQxQT = PT2 theorem in circles
What will be the max power of 12 dividing 50! (fifty factorial)?
simple question from chords of a circle
CAT level question on Work, Speed Time Distance.(in total 4 questions)
cyclic quadilateral.
If A is 20% less than B then by how much percent B is more than A?
Simple question on SI,CI
If A and B has salary ratio 3:5 and Expenditure Ratio 2:3 have same savings and total A+B income equals 10000. Calculate B's Savings?
Angles question in circles.
What will be the Last Digit of 3458367x9267846?
question on calculating no. of factors.
This much i can help u about maths (25 questions) now the rest 25 were on Analytical Reasoning (15) and Deductive Logic (10)
AR has 3 question each of it has five parts.In total 15 quests.
Deductive Logic was damn simple and 10 quests.
Now comes the technical part.
5 questions in 60 mins.difficult + easy.
Three languages are given C++, Java, VB
You have to choose one out of three.
I've chosen C++
Q1. A Class Structure was given with function names only.
Using one dimensional array make the fuctionality of two dimensional array?
We have to write the function body and the main program which calls them.
the function attributes and return type was given.
some already defined variables were also there.
Q2. If employee B is the boss of A and C is the boss of B and D is the boss of C and E is the boss of D.
Then write a program using the Database such that if an employee name is Asked to Display it also display his bosses with his name.
For eg. If C is displayed it should also display D and E with C?
Q3. Arrange Doubly linked list in the ascending order of its integral value and replace integer 5 with 7?
Q4. Three tables were given and we had to link them.
Q5. It was an operator overloading question I don't remember it much.
All the questions are to the best of my knowledge. Theyll surely help U.
Well have good job and party!!
.......................Aditya Chopra.