OnMobile Asia Sample Test Paper.
cube is white in color..but it is painted black on all sides..if this cube
is divided into 125 smaller cubes..how many cubes will have minimium 2 sides
painted black?
the odd word out..radar,redivider,...motor...
ans: motor cuz when reversed ..it is rotom...
a race omani, pakistani & nepali r discussing medal
prospects...following waz their discussion...
1) if nepali wins bronze, then i'm sure 2 get silver...
2) if omani wins gold then i may get silver...
3) the gold will be won by pakistani or me...
all the statements were right..find who won gold, silver & bronze...???
r 4 paintings...
1) painting 1 is not a oil painting...
2) painting 2 has the guy gliding or on motorcycle...
3) painting which is on tampera & tht on acrylic r on different rows..
Z waz killed by 1 of his students...A,B,C,D...following were statements
given by each 1 of them....
A: if B is guilty then C is innocent...
B : if C is guilty then A is innocent...
C: if B is guilty then D has nothing 2 do with the crime....
And Alock Live in a street. Alock's House no is reverse of Mohan's house no.
The Sum of there house
nos is a perfect square. Difference of their house nos is a perfact cube.
Mohan's house no is less than
Alock's. Tell Aloke's House No.
r some balls of five different colors in a box. 10 of each color. How many
balls u have to take out to ensure that there r atleast 3 balls of the
and black Birds r sitting in a telephone wire.At least one from white and
one from black.Color must repeat after every 4 and 7 birds.. What is the max
no of arrangement