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Home » Placement Papers » Oracle Placement Papers » Oracle Placement Paper

Oracle Placement Paper- BIT Mesra 2003


Oracle Placement Paper

Test was of 1 hour 30 questions. g aptitude and 30 of technical.......some questions. of g aptitude were very lengthy so don't end up in solving them.....time was less......some 15 questions. from arithmetic......and rest 15 logical,statement interpretation,arrangement,tense correction......and like that...... 

1. given a square matrix which consists only of 1 and 0......find which rows,which cols and which diagonals consist entirely of 1's. 

2. given an array of integers find all possible combinations of the numbers whose sum equal to 90..... 
ans : knapsack problem (in data structures - aho ullman) 

Note : for them solution was not the criteria.......but the approach was important......the solution should be generalised and optimized........optimization was given the top priority........ 

here is the techincal paper : 

plz try to solve them urself by trying on comp. 

1. const int MAX=10; 
{ enum a {a,b,MAX}; 
print MAX; 

ans. 2 

2. enum variable is a const variable which can only be assigned a value at initialization or a non const variable which can be assigned any value in the middle of the program? 
ans. const variable 

3. void *p; 
what operation cannot be performed on p? 
ans : arithmetic operation unless it is properly typecasted 

4. char **p="Hello"; 
print p,*p,**p 
ans. Hello (null) 
warning: suspicious pointer conversion 

5. main() 
{ char str[]="Geneius"; 
print (str); 

print(char *s) 
{ if(*s) 

ans. suiene 

6. what does the function fcloseall() does ? 
ans. fcloseall() closes all open streams except stdin,stdout,stderr,stdprn and stdaux 

7. main() 
{ printf("Genius %d",fun(123)); 

fun(int n) 
{ return (printf("%d",n)); 

ans. 123genius3 

8. difference between definition and declaration. 
ans. definition once while declaration more than once 

9. find the error? 
{ void fun(); 

void fun() 
{ int i=10; 
return 2.0; 
return 3.0; 

ans. no error but warning 

10. int a=9,b=5,c=3,d; 
d=(b-c)<(c-a) ? a : b; 
print d 
ans 5 

11. 1+2/3*4+1=? 
ns. 2 

12. In C++, a variable can be defined wherever needed whereas not in C 

13. main() 
{ int i=4; 
print i; 

fun(int i) 
{ return i/2; 

ans 1 

14. what is an array ? 
ans. contiguous collection of memory occupied by similar data types 

15. printf("\"NITK %%SURAHKAL%% !\""); 
ans. "NITK %SURATHKAL% !" 

16. difference between scanf and gets in case of string input 
ans. scanf does not accepts white space while gets does 

17. table t1 m rows and x cols 
table t2 n rows and y cols 
in t1*t2 rows? cols=? 
ans. m*n ,x+y 

18. symbol of realtionship between 2 entities? 

19. which one cannot come in data modelling 
a. customer b. student c. office d. speed 
ans speed 

20. can a database table exist without a primary key ? 

21. whether higher normal forms better than lower forms as far redundancy is concerned ? 
ans. higher 

22. file is at which level 
ans. conceptual level 

23. what is a foreign key 
ans. primary key in some other table 

* some questions are Code Snippet based.
* Some questions are compiler based i.e. given code snippet will compile or not, if not the reason.
* some question are from the prfix/postfix inc/dec operation based code snippets.
* More than 3 question are based on the sorting algorithms.
* some questions are from the pointers based.
* Code snippets involving memory allocation function.
* All the questions are from c 
Some of the question ,i remember, are the following
#define sqr(x) (x*x)
int main()
int x=2;
printf("value of x=%d",sqr(x+1));

What is the value of x?
a)4 b)5 c)None d)can not compile
Ans: 5 
2. what is the wrong in the following program? 
#define LBRACKET {
#define RBRACKET }
#define MAIN main
int MAIN()
int x=2;
a) This program will compile
b) compilation error 
int main()
int x=4;
int x=2;
a) 4 b)2 c)Nesting not allowed d)dependent on the compiler 
4. Go through the following code sinippet
char a[20];
a="Hello Orcale Test";
will this compile?
a) Compilation Error b) Strings are allowed in c but cannot be assigned directly.
c) dependent on compiler
d) will work fine.
5. the expression a+b*c should be conveted to +a*bc. Using tree structure,
Which traversal is the correct one?
a) Postfix traversal b) prefix traversal c) infix traversal d)None
6. what about brk, sbrk
a) system calls b) function calls c) user defined functions 
7. Why the use of alloca() is discouraged?
8. Macros support multiple arguments ?
9. the header file 
a) contains only compiler directives and extern variables
b) contail only structures and unitions
c) a & b
10. what about "char *(*(*a[])())();"

30 qns. technical - 30 mins. - mostly on DBMS,Oracle(like what would be the output), C, C++,Java(2-3 qns. on class and constructors) and datastructures.

30 qns. general - 30 mins. - 7 qns. aptitude, more like English (filling up prepositions, same meaning,
reading comprehension, four sentences would be given - you have to order them to form a paragraph, similarly four questions would be given - you have to say which one is a inference statement, which one is a judgement,etc.)

The technical test would be easy and general test would be little difficult.

In the interview questions.

1. what are the macros other than C macros (the macros in word,excel) A macro in MS-word is used to group a sequence of jobs and make it as a button or keyboard shortcut. Suppose, if you need always to draw a table containing 2 rows and 5 cols, you can start,record a macro and make it as
a button and put in taskbar,
sothat when you press it, you will be provided with a fixed table.

2. can you delete a column from a table. In oracle 9i, you can do it by the statement ALTER TABLE table1 DROP COLUMN column1; In oracle 8,you can't. 

3. can you store a image in oracle and by which datatype? Yes, you can and it can be acheived by using
a BLOB (binary large object) type and store upto 4GB in a single column.

4. have you used reports and forms in oracle?

5. have you written applications to retrieve stored images in a table?

6. some DOS commands and UNIX.

7. project desription (both academic and miniprojects,if any)

8. some situation questions like what would you do if your company is burning,etc.

Please have a look on DBMS, and some simple 
queries like 'select * from dual' for the technical
test. And on the questions in the attached file.

Paper having two parts.

part 1: apptitute test -30question (20min)

part 2: technical Test -30question (20min)

part 1:

1)find the range of x*x -5x+6>0

X<=2 ; X >=3

2)if 5x*x+14*x+k=0 having two reciprocal roots find the value of k.

3&4)two sentence are given ,in between four sentence are given in 

change order . (like between 1 & 6 ,abcd four sentence are given 1 a b c 

d 6)

find the correct order?

5)if first term of AP is 5 .16th term is 45.find the sum of first 16 


6)x,y and z are odd no. not necessarly in sequence.then y=?

(1)mean of x and z is 114.

(2)mean of y and z is 113.


7)ram is 27 year old then mohan.after 7 year ram age is thrice as mohan 

age .find ram age?


8)if three tapes are filling a tank of capacity of 500lit with speed of 

30lit/sec,48lit/sec and 36lit/sec. Find after how long time tank will 



9)find the root of given eq x-2/(x-1)=1-2/(x-2) if possible.

x = 0

10)find the point of intersection of \




11)suppose in a pot 20 cards are there label 1-20 on that. find the 

probability of getting two prime.

8/20 = 2 / 5

12)in an island three persons are there Jam ,Dam and Sam .sam having 

pencil,dam having cap and Jam having book .we have find who is author 

among them if.

(1)Sam says ,Jam is author but author wearing cap.

(2)Dam says ,I am author ,but author not having cap.

(3)Sam says, I am author ,but author having note book.

Find who is author?


13)Jo ,Do and So are three person.

(1) So says Jo is football player, I also football player.

(2) Do says Jo is football player, I also football player.

(3) Jo says Do is football player, I also football player.

Find the football player player among them.


14-16)quest based analogy . like LION:CUB find the pair in given 


17)in a basket 3 mangos,4 apples and 4 bananas are there. Find no of 

ways we select randomly 3 fruit from basket?

18) if a^x=b^y=c^z and b^2=ac then 

find x+z/xz=?


19)(loga)^2-(logb)^2 = ? ans :- logab-loga/b

20)in a 60 liters of mixture of spirit and water is 7 %.

in order to make water 19%,how much water should be added.(some 

thing like this)

21-25)A one and half page length passage will be given and 4 to 5 

questions will be asked based on this passage.


technical part:-

pattern: 1) pl/sql--->7 quest

2) java--->5 quest

3) c & pointers--->9 quest

4) dbms and dfd's--->5 quest

5) ds--->4 quest

some quest are here:-

1.what is not a c- storage class (ans.stack)

2.if dba creates one user what are the privilages the user will 


3. which keyword is used to const in java (ans.final)

4.char *array[4]={"some string"}

printf("%d",&array[4]-(array)); (ans.4)

5.remote object will be in the package (ans.java.net (verity it))

6.#define sq(a) (a*a)

printf ("%d",sq (3+2)); (ans.11)

7.#define max 20

printf ("%d", ++max); (ans.lvalue required --- error)

.printf ("%d",sizeof (2>3?4?:4:3?4:2));(some thing like this 

(ans.syntax error))

9. what is important of free().

10.property of constructor in java program.

11.impotance of macro.

12.underfolw condition of stack.



1)Which of the following is not a storage class in C? 




2)Which of the following 'return' statement is correct? 

return, return; 

return(1, 2, 3); 

return(return 4); 

(return 5, return 6); 

3)The second argument to fopen() function is? 


const char * 
int * 

4)What is the output of the program? 


void main() 

char buffer[10] = {"Genesis"}; 

printf(" %d ", &buffer[4]- (buffer)); 

Illegal pointer subtraction 

5)If "arr" is an array of 5 x 5 dimension, arr[2][4] is same as 





APTITUDE 30 questions


1: ------- = ? ( Log67 )

1 + Log32 

2> log(a-b) = log a - log b; then a = ? 


3: 3 black 7 white balls ......... prob of drawing 2 white

balls ? (7/15)

4 > In a lock of 4 rings there r five characters how

many unsuccessful 

attempts can be made ? (624)...

5> sqrt(6+sqrt(6+sqrt (6 + .................))))) = ? 3

6: a solution is prepared by mixing two solution 

with sprit 20% & 60%...In 

what ration they should be mixed to get the 50% sprit

in resultant solution .


7: X2 - (A-3)X +(A+3) = 0

for what value of A the sum of square of roots will be

least ? (A=2);

8: 'a' number of persons work daily 'b' hours to

produce 'c' items. If 'd' 

persons walks away from the group what will be the

number of hours to 

produce 'c' items. ? (ab/(a-d))

9: - 13 Passage 

14 - 18 venn diagram.

19-22 picking based (VERBAL);

23-25 picking odd once out (words )

26: m = ax , n = ay mxny = a2(x+y) find 1/x +

1/y? (1)

27 xy - 2y - 6 =0;

x <> 2 x >2 ...

y is always postive.


the diameter of circle can be determined from 

1. area.

2. circumference.

Ans either of them..


sum of 2 no. is 7 & product s 10 fnd larger number.



It be really tough

They will manly concentrate on 




1. Output of the following program is 



int i=0;




case 0:


case 1:


case 5:







(A) 5,9,13,17 (B)

12,17,22 (C) 

16,21 (D) syntax error.

2. What will be the result of the following program?



static char


return x;









is:%s", g());

(A) Answer is: First String 

(B) Answer is: 

Second String

(C) Run time Error/Core Dump 

(D) None of these

3: which will not complete the transaction .... 


4: PL / SQL loop can be replaced by which loop to get 

least number of steps.

5:regarding USER_NDEX.

6: which language is used by end user to manipulate



7: what can not be used in object names.

8: what is used to collect information from more than

one table ( JOIN).

9: program on java.swng.

10: problem on JNI

11: something on extendability or searializability

12 some more c codes.

13 on queue defintion.

14 what s orthogonal matrix.

15 Peep stack.

16 reg . class.

17 compiler intilized storage clases.

18. whch storage class allows class to be initialized 

in a class.

19 on set font 

20 on redundancy ...

Three beauty pageant finalists-Cindy, Amy and Linda-The winner was musician. The one who was not last or first was a math major. The one who came in third had black hair. Linda had red hair. Amy had no musical abilities. Who was first?
(A) Cindy 
(B) Amy 
(C) Linda 
(D) None of these

2. Two twins have certain peculiar characteristics. One of them always lies on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The other always lies on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. On the other days they tell the truth. You are given a conversation.
Person A- today is Sunday, my name is Anil
Person B-today is Tuesday, my name is Bill 
What day is today?
(A) Sunday 
(B) Tuesday 
(C) Monday 
(D) Thursday

3. The difference of a number and its reciprocal is 1/2.The sum of their squares is 
(A) 9/4 
(B) 4/5 
(C) 5/3
(D) 7/4

4. The difference of a number and its square is 870.What is the number?
(A) 42 
(B) 29 
(C) 30 
(D) 32

5. A trader has 100 Kg of wheat, part of which he sells at 5% profit and the rest at 20% profit. He gains 15% on the whole. Find how much is sold at 5% profit?
(A) 60 
(B) 50 
(C) 66.66 
(D) 33.3

6. Which of the following points are collinear?
(A) (3,5) (4,6) (2,7) 
(B) (3,5) (4,7) (2,3)
(C) (4,5) (4,6) (2,7) 
(D) (6,7) (7,8) (2,7)

7. A man leaves office daily at 7pm.a driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5.30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home. In the way he meets the car and returns home on car. He reaches home 20 minutes earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach home usually?
(A) 1 hr 20 min 
(B) 1 hr 
(C) 1 hr 10 min 
(D) 55 min

8. If m:n = 2:3,the value of 3m+5n/6m-n is
(A) 7/3 
(B) 3/7 
(C) 5/3 
(D) 3/5

9. A dog taken four leaps for every five leaps of hare but three leaps of the dog is equal to four leaps of the hare. Compare speed?
(A) 12:16 
(B) 19:20 
(C) 16:15 
(D) 10:12

10. A watch ticks 90 times in 95 seconds. And another watch ticks 315 times in 323 secs. If they start together, how many times will they tick together in first hour?
(A) 100 times 
(B) 101 times 
(C) 99 times 
(D) 102 times

11. The purpose of defining an index is 
(A) Enhance Sorting Performance 
(B) Enhance Searching Performance
(C) Achieve Normalization 
(D) All of the above

12. A transaction does not necessarily need to be
(A) Consistent 
(B) Repeatable 
(C) Atomic 
(D) Isolated

13. To group users based on common access permission one should use 
(A) User Groups 
(B) Roles 
(C) Grants 
(D) None of the above

14. PL/SQL uses which of the following
(A) No Binding 
(B) Early Binding 
(C) Late Binding 
(D) Deferred Binding

15. Which of the constraint can be defined at the table level as well as at the column level
(A) Unique (B) Not Null (C) Check (D) All the above

16. To change the default date format in a SQLPLUS Session you have to 
(A) Set the new format in the DATE_FORMAT key in the windows Registry.
(B) Alter session to set NLS_DATE-FORMAT.
(C) Change the Config.ora File for the date base.
(D) Change the User Profile USER-DATE-FORMAT.

17. Which of the following is not necessarily an advantages of using a package rather than independent stored procedure in data base. 
(A) Better performance. 
(B) Optimized memory usage.
(C) Simplified Security implementation. 
(D) Encapsulation.

18. Integrity constrains are not checked at the time of 
(A) DCL Statements. 
(B) DML Statements.
(C) DDL Statements. 
(D) It is checked all the above cases.

19. Roll Back segment is not used in case of a
(A) DCL Statements. 
(B) DML Statements. 
(C) DDL Statements. 
(D) all of the above.

20. An Arc relationship is applicable when
(A) One child table has multiple parent relation, but for anyone instance of a child record only one of the relations is applicable.
(B) One column of a table is related to another column of the same table.
(C) A child table is dependent on columns other than the primary key columns of the parent table.
(D) None of the above.

21. What is true about the following C functions?
(A) Need not return any value. 
(B) Should always return an integer.
(C) Should always return a float. 
(D) Should always return more than one value.

22. enum number { a=-1, b=4, c,d,e,} what is the value of e?
(A) 7 
(B) 4 
(C) 5 
(D) 3

23. Which of the following about automatic variables within a function is correct?
(A) Its type must be declared before using the variable. 
(B) They are local.
(C) They are not initialized to zero. 
(D) They are global.

24. Consider the following program segment
int n, sum=5;
case 2:sum=sum-2;
case 3:sum*=5;
if n=2, what is the value of the sum?
(A) 0 
(B) 15 
(C) 3 
(D) None of these.

25. Which of the following is not an infinite loop? 
(A) x=0; 
(B) # define TRUE 0.... 
do{ While(TRUE){....}
/*x unaltered within the loop*/ 
(C) for(;;) {....}
(D) While(1) {....} 

26. Output of the following program is 
int i=0;
case 0:
case 1:
case 5:

(A) 5,9,13,17 
(B) 12,17,22 
(C) 16,21 
(D) syntax error.

27. What does the following function print?
func(int i)
if(i%2) return 0;
else return 1;
int i=3;

(A) 3 
(B) 1 
(C) 0 
(D) 2

28. What will be the result of the following program?
static char x[1024];
return x;
char*g1="First String";
strcpy(g1,"Second String");
printf("Answer is:%s", g());
(A) Answer is: First String 
(B) Answer is: Second String
(C) Run time Error/Core Dump 
(D) None of these

29. Consider the following program
int a[5]={1,3,6,7,0};
int *b;
The value of b[-1] is
(A) 1 
(B) 3 
(C) -6 
(D) none

30. Given a piece of code
int x[10];
int *ab;
To access the 6th element of the array which of the following is incorrect?
(A) *(x+5) 
(B) x[5] 
(C) ab[5] 
(D) *(*ab+5} .

� some questions are Code Snippet based.
* Some questions are compiler based i.e. given code snippet will compile or not, if not the reason.
* some question are from the prfix/postfix inc/dec operation based code snippets.
* More than 3 question are based on the sorting algorithms.
* some questions are from the pointers based.
* Code snippets involving memory allocation function.
* All the questions are from c 
Some of the question ,i remember, are the following
#define sqr(x) (x*x)
int main()
int x=2;
printf("value of x=%d",sqr(x+1));

What is the value of x?
a)4 b)5 c)None d)can not compile
Ans: 5 
2. what is the wrong in the following program?
#define LBRACKET {
#define RBRACKET }
#define MAIN main
int MAIN()
int x=2;
a) This program will compile
b) compilation error 
int main()
int x=4;
int x=2;
a) 4 b)2 c)Nesting not allowed d)dependent on the compiler
4. Go through the following code sinippet
char a[20];
a="Hello Orcale Test";
will this compile?
a) Compilation Error b) Strings are allowed in c but cannot be assigned directly.
c) dependent on compiler
d) will work fine.
5. the expression a+b*c should be conveted to +a*bc. Using tree structure,
Which traversal is the correct one?
a) Postfix traversal b) prefix traversal c) infix traversal d)None
6. what about brk, sbrk
a) system calls b) function calls c) user defined functions 
7. Why the use of alloca() is discouraged?
8. Macros support multiple arguments ?
9. the header file 
a) contains only compiler directives and extern variables
b) contail only structures and unitions
c) a & b
10. what about "char *(*(*a[])())();"



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