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Placement Papers »Patni Placement Paper 2
Patni-Placement Paper-19 Nov 2005
This is what was asked in Patni Interview. It was Java based interview.
1.Difference between protected, public and Private .
2. Difference between java and c. Why java is Machine Independent ?
3. can java class file run on UNIX platform.
4 What is package. use of package.
5 Limitation on definition of class in package.
6 Try catch. throws, throwable.---> Why do we use throws ? Why do we use
throwable ? What is the use of Finally when there is a catch already ?
final, finally, finalize ? difference
7. what is relational database.?
8. Types of drivers in JDBC. What is JDBC ODBC driver ?what is use of ODBC
.Why is MS access a relational database ?
9 Why is Try catch necessary in JDBC. cant we do without that ?
10. can we define class in servlet /JSp ? why ? ---> Important
11.life cycle of servlet ?
12 . Any java Editors u have used ?
13 . difference between get and Post ?
14. limitation of get ? how much capacity of data can u send through that ?
why does that limitation exist ? is it browser dependent ? what are the
types of browsers that are there ?
15. What is servlet chaining.?
16.What is JNDI ? use of JNDI ?
17. when you are using JNDI in EJB ? will JNDI be necessary when you are
defining client and server on the same side ? if yes you ---->why you dont
define JNDI while executing java file ? how JNDI works ? how to look for
server side components through JNDI ? what protocol is used in JNDI ? what
do you look with JNDI ->class, method or object ?
other than Java:
18 what is SDLC
19 what are testing methodologies that we use ?