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Home » Placement Papers » Patni Placement Papers »Patni Placement Paper 2


Patni-Placement Paper-1 April 2005


Q. A man leaves office daily at 7pm A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home . One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home. In the way he meets the car and returns home on car He reaches home 20 minutes earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach home usually??
Ans. 1hr 20min

Q The following truth table is given What is Y equal to??
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
Ans. (A')(B')(AB), where ' stands for complement.

Q. A works thrice as much as B. If A takes 60 days less than B to do a work then find the number of days it would take to complete the work if both work together?
Ans. 22 1/2days

Q. How many 1's are there in the binary form of 8*1024 + 3*64 + 3
Ans. 4

Q. In a digital circuit which was to implement (A B) + (A)XOR(B), the designer implements (A B) (A)XOR(B)
What is the probability of error in it ?

Q. A boy has Rs 2. He wins or loses Re 1 at a time If he wins he gets Re 1 and if he loses the game he loses Re 1. He can loose only 5 times. He is out of the game if he earns Rs 5. Find the number of ways in which this is possible?
Ans. 16

Q. If there are 1024*1280 pixels on a screen and each pixel can have around 16 million colors Find the memory required for this?
Ans. 4MB

Q. On a particular day A and B decide that they would either speak the truth or will lie. C asks A whether he is speaking truth or lying? He answers and B listens to what he said. C then asks B what A has said B says "A says that he is a liar" What is B speaking ?
(a) Truth
(b) Lie
(c) Truth when A lies
(d) Cannot be determined
Ans. (b)

Q. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when time is 8:30
Ans. 75(approx)

Q. A student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left. How many students are there in totality ?

Q. A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then 45degrees to his right. In which direction did he go
Ans. North west

Q. A student gets 70% in one subject, 80% in the other. To get an overall of 75% how much should get in third subject.

Q. A man shows his friend a woman sitting in a park and says that she the daughter of my grandmother's only son.
What is the relation between the two
Ans. Daughter

5 questions.. (Mutiple choices)
i.e select any one of the following for 5 questions;;
A) only 1 is sufficient
B) only 2 is sufficient
C) both necessary
D) both are insufficient
E) either is sufficient

1. (Don't know)

2. one composition contains. 5/4 L 6/14 L..
(Ans. both r insufficient)

3. x fabric 6.50 per meter , 25% wholesale..
(Ans: both r required)

4 & 5 don't know..


Section 2 (Analitical)

1. Average 3years 45,000, 1st 1.5 times, 2nd 2.5 times..
(Calculate in this way. (x+1.5x+2.5x)/3 = 45000 i.e 5x/3 = 45000 ) then calculate required value)

2. Three vehicle speed ratio 1:2:3 & time ratio 3:2:1. Distance ratio ??
(Ans: 3:4:3.. check once)

3. some km/hr problem (Ans: 150 km/hr)

4 & 5 don't know


Section 3 (English - 8 marks.. mutiple choice..)

Don't know..


Section 4 (True or Flase type..)

1. Square contains all angles , one object does not
contain angles;

PATNI NEW OVER at jadavpur 99

1.what is the angle between teo hands of a clock when time is 8-30

2.a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there (similer)

3.a,b,c,d,e,f are arranged in a circle b is to right of c and so on(rs aggrewal)

4.chain rule(work&time)

5.puzzle test.some data is given and he asked three qustions below. based on data we have to answer.

6.six questions on venn diagrams.

7.5 years ago sum of ages of father and son ans:40,10

8.assertion and reasoning 1.clouds 2.capital city of dweloped corentira ans for both is :a

9.man walks east & from turns to right & from to left &then 45degrees to right.in which direction he went
ans:north west


11.96,85,....(a series with diff

11),3,15,45,....,total 3 questions are given on series

12.a student got 70% in one subject,80% in other.to get overall 75% how much he should get in third subject.

12.a news pwper must have a.news b.advertizements
3.editor 4.date 5.paper

13.if clouds are air, air are water and so on where birds fly?

14.press,cinema,tv ans:mass media

15.3 qustions on rs aggrewal relations i.e first few chapters of aggrewal(english)

16.a man showed to a woman sitting in a pack & told to his friend.she is the daughter of my grand mother only son ans:daughter

Group Discussion topic
1.if you become muncipal corporater what steps you take to develop your area.
2.if you become administrative officer of this university what steps you take to improve standards.
3.tell what are the seven problems in calcutta and solutions to problems?
4.abortion is legal or illegal the following two topics are omportant they asked the same topics to many students by changing the numbers
5.in 2050 a nuclear disaster has ocurred and 50 persons are saved.which are of age above 15.of them 20 know 6 subjects and you have to choose only 3 of six subjects so that resticted resorces can used for future subjects are 1.enggineering 2.medical 3.law 4.social sciences 5.life sciences
6.in space ship 5men are going1.docter,drug asdditive
2.lady lawer has done crime 3.teacher emotinally imbalanced
4.18.18 year old aeruonautical engineer 5. noble
lauraut .suddenly some thing happend and oxygen is avaliable to only three people to use which of three you choose interview here they asked only personal. relating to what you have written in sychometric test and some puzzles

one puzzle is 10 machines are there only one is defective iteams are coming out how do you find out which is defective
second: *
* * how do you reverse this in two transitions
* * *
* * * *----------------------------------- two transistors are connected Vbe is 0.7volts .this is simple ckt.one
transistor is diode equivalent. & asked the o/p across the 2 nd transistor.
2.simple k map ans is Bbar.

---R-------transistorbase| --
| ---
collector in above capacitor is connected parallel with resistance r.capacitor is not shown in fig.capacitor is used for in this ckt:
ans:a.speedupb.active bypass c.decoupling

|___R____ |
in above r is resistence.I is cmos inverter.
then ckt is used for:
a.schmitt trigger b.latch c.inverter d.amplifier

5.simple amplifier ckt openloop gain of amplifier is 4.V in =1v.asked for V x?
amplifdier + is connected to base. - is connected to i/p in between 5k is connected.
from o/p feedback connected to - of amplifier with 15k.this is ckt.

6.resistence inductot cap are serially connected to ac voltage 5 volts. voltage across inductor is given.R I C values are given & asked for voltages across resistence & capacitor.
___ R_____
| |
---R------OPAMP ----------
R1 R1 is for wjhat i mean what is the purpose of R1.


8.asked for Vo at the o/p.it is like simple cmos realization that is n block is above & p block is below.Vdd is 3 volts at supply.V threshold 5 volts.
9.2 d ffs are connected in asyncro manner .clock 10 MEGAHZ.gate delay is 1 nanosec.
A B are the two given D FFs.asked for AB output is:
b.up c. updown glitching like that (take care abt
glitching word)

----------------| subtractor|---------o/p

the ckt is LPF ,HPF or APF ?

11.in a queue at the no of elements removed is proportional to no of elements in the queue. then no of elements in the queue:
a.increases decreases exp or linearly(so these are the 4 options given choose 1 option)
12.with 2 i/p AND gates u have to form a 8 i/p AND gate.which is the fastest in the following implementations.
ans we think ((AB)(CD))((EF)(GH))
13.with howmany 2:1 MUX u can for 8:1 MUX.answer is 7.
14. there are n states then ffs used are log n.
15.cube each side has r units resistance then the resistance across diagonal of cube.
16.op amp connections asked for o/p
the answer is (1+1/n)(v2-v1).check it out. practise this type of model.
_____________ supply
---|__ ___|
Ii >________ |___ Tranistot
> _______Vo
R |
| | Io
asked for Io/Ii=? transistor gain is beta.
a.(1+beta)square b.1+beta c. beta

18.y=kxsquare. this is transfer function of a block with i/p x & o/p y.if i/p is sum of a & b then o/p is :--
a. AM b.FM c. PM

------MULTIPLIER--- |
| |
v in = -Ez then o/p Vo =?
answer is squareroot of -Ez.multiplier i/ps are a & b then its o/p is a.b;




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