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Placement Papers »Perot Placement Paper 1
Hello everybody this is hasibur from kolkata .We had our interview on 14th of
march 2007 and i am the lucky one to be selected for perotsystems.
The total procedure of selection goes through three part
1) aptitude test
2) technical interview
3) hr round
Aptitude Test :-
this part has two section . First section consist of logical, quantitative and
technical. And the second part is english.
marks are logical-20
quantitave -15
In logical part 10 marks were from series problems for this rs aggarwal is
enough.And rest of 10 marks is of data sufficiency. Those are very easyone .in
quantitative section problems are generaly form time and work, time and
distance, speed of train etc this part is also very easy and again rs aggarwal
is enough for it. But the technical part is very lengthy. Do not attempt it
first otherwise you will be short of time this part consist two flowchart and
ten question are there based on those two flowchart. But remember one thing
cutoff marks will be very high.
Enlish part is very easy if you are avarage in english stil you can answer every
question. In this part all the questions were of fill in the blanks type you
have to choose the right one from the given options.
Technical And HR interview:-
For this the only thing you need is confidence in yourself , basic knowledge of
your subjects,and the most important thing your luck. You have all those thing
no one can stop you. So best of luck to all.