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Home » Placement Papers » Sasken Placement Papers »Sasken Placement Paper 5


Sasken Placement Paper


SASKEN June 2004 

The test comprises of 2 sections

1. Technical ( C ) & Technical Subject- 60 mins, 60 questions 
2. Logical Reasoning.. - 30 mins,17 questions....

==> Questions in C were mostly from "pointers in c" and "test ur C skills" by Yeshwant Kanetkar... C questions based on command line arguments, data structure ( BST, tree traversals). All the questions were like " what is the output of the following program segment" and in many questions 3rd and 4th choices were (c) compilation error and (d) compilation, warning, runtime error.... Heard they are asking abt- ptr, string, arr, preprocessor, data structures etc.. C test was pretty ok pass by value, pass by reference etc. questions were asked The general test was pretty tough, they ask u fourier transforms,harmonics,Barkhuasen criterion,virtual memory,Whether FIFO is better than LRU etc. 4 questions were from fourier transforms the duration was 60 mins and no negative marking

C basics 10 questions ,very easy.Given a program and asked the output-type questons.from pointers 3-4 questions are there. 2)reg subject:very very easy:some from digital(on nand gates. Jk flip flop),from Information theory and coding,some from Micro processors.

In Logical Reasoning all the 17 questions were paragraphs (argument) of 5 to 6 sentences...five sentences (choices) will be given below and questions were asked like " which of the five if true will weaken or supports the argument above .." :- R. S. Agrawal LR is sufficient


The questions were like this.

The text consists of two parts

1) C test
2) CSE01 Test
Duration: 1hr
1) C test -10 questions- Some questions were as follows, remember only a few.
a) What is the parameter passing mechanism to Macros Called?
b) void func(int x,int y)

int i;
If the output must be 2 what is the parameter passing mechanism called?
c) which of the following code will swap the two numbers? -3 choices was given
d) which of the following is illegal for the program?
char const *p='p';
} 1)p++ 2) *p++ 3)(*p)++ 4) all
e) what is the output of the following program
void print(int ** arr)
print("0 %f, 1 %f, 2 %f ",arr[0][0],arr[0][1],arr[0][2]);
int a[][]={ {1,2,3},
} int ** arr=a;
f) which of the following code swaps the two numbers.
- 4 choices were given
g) if the string " this is a " is present in the code of a function such as 'void func(void)' where 
will the variable stored in the memory.
a) in the stack b) heap c) code or text segment as per implementation d) created when func is called, stored in function stack space and destroyed as it goes out .

2) CSE01-15 questions
In this section there was question from LD-gates, JK flip flop, sampling rate and few other
then there was a few from OS - don't remember the questions.


In the interview, they asked about Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Binary Trees.

Few questions I remember are:

1) If u have a linked list library, how do u design stack and queue using it; write pseudocode.

2) What are static variables and functions?

3) Write code in C to count the number of 1s in a character (1byte).

4) What is pre-order, post-order, in-order; write code to print post-order.

5) Can u construct a binary tree given its inorder and postorder details. Is it neccessary or sufficient to construct tree. Asked an example to do in both ways.

6) If recursion is not used to print post order, what other data structure u use

(ans: Stack).

7)Can u use stack always in place of recursion?

(ans: Yes)

8) What are meta characters?

9) Write a piece of code to insert a node in a linked list.

10) About malloc.

11) About Operating System - Semaphores

12) About Computability (eg:- finding infinite loop), Complexity of algorithms

13) What does compiler and assembler do?

They asked grep command in Linux. How do u search '\n', using grep, in a file.

They may ask some other commands if u say u r familiar and recently been using linux.

About Networks? OSI reference model.

what does transport layer do?

TCP belongs to which layer?

IP belongs to which layer?

Where is error correction done?

What is a connection oriented/ connection less transmission?

What is meant by reliable transmission protocol? why is it called so?

What is flow control and where it is done?

About ur project?

Asked me expalin about the project in brief.

If u don't know anything, say it sincerely. U cannot bluff them. I too spoke to them sincerely.

They were cool. U need not get tensed. They won't attack you. Just they want to know ur hold about the subject.

In the interview, they asked about Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Binary Trees.
Few questions I remember are:
1) If u have a linked list library, how do u design stack and queue using it; write pseudocode.
2) What are static variables and functions?
3) Write code in C to count the number of 1s in a character (1byte).
4) What is pre-order, post-order, in-order; write code to print post-order.
5) Can u construct a binary tree given its inorder and postorder details. Is it neccessary or sufficient to construct tree. Asked an example to do in both ways.
6) If recursion is not used to print post order, what other data structure u use
(ans: Stack). 
7)Can u use stack always in place of recursion?
(ans: Yes)
8) What are meta characters?
9) Write a piece of code to insert a node in a linked list.
10) About malloc.
11) About Operating System - Semaphores
12) About Computability (eg:- finding infinite loop), Complexity of algorithms
13) What does compiler and assembler do?
They asked grep command in Linux. How do u search '\n', using grep, in a file. 
They may ask some other commands if u say u r familiar and recently been using linux.
About Networks? OSI reference model. 
what does transport layer do?
TCP belongs to which layer?
IP belongs to which layer?
Where is error correction done?
What is a connection oriented/ connection less transmission?
What is meant by reliable transmission protocol? why is it called so?
What is flow control and where it is done?
About ur project?
Asked me expalin about the project in brief.
If u don't know anything, say it sincerely. U cannot bluff them. I too spoke to them sincerely.
They were cool. U need not get tensed. They won't attack you. Just they want to know ur hold about the subject. 

Sasken at rect in July

THE PATTERN IS LIKE APPTI 10 QUES AND OS conspects 10 and C 10 ques total 30ques ......time 60 min..

all of them are objective 
the apti paper goes like this....they r in serial order at my level best i have noted for u , and remaining i am not sure.
in apti the answers having five choices, just work out and all the best.
i am not providing my answers ... solve them..

1. how many 2 digit number satisfy the following... that last digit of the square of the 2 digit number is 8
A. none B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E more than three
2. city B is 8 miles east of A,
city C is 6 miles north ofB
city B is 16 miles east of C 
city E is 12 miles north of D 
which of the distance from city A to E 
A. 10 B. 20 C . 24 D .30 E .42 
3 if X+Y=Z and X and Y are +ve , which of the follwing statement can be true
i) x < y
ii) x <2
iii) x <2z

A . only (i ) B. only( ii) C . both 1 &2 D . 2&3 E .1,2,3
4. if Xis a number satisying 2< X <3 y is a number not satisying 7<Y<8 which of hte following expressions will have the largest value 
a. x square y
b. x ysuare
c.5 xy
d (4 x square y) /3
e. ( x square )/y
5. IRA is taler than SAM , ELLIOT is taller than HAROLD ,HAROLD is shoter thanGENE , SAM and GENE are of the same height 
ANS : a. IRA is tall than SAM , b. ELLIOT is taller than ERA, c. SAM is shoter than ELLIOT .,d. IRA is taller than HAROLD , e. SAM is shoter than HAROLD
6.. some what big ...
8 . which of hte following are possible values for the angle of a parrelogram

90 ,90,90,90 all in degress
40,70,50,140 "
50,130,50,130 "
a 1 b2, c. 1,2 d 2,3 e. 1,2,3
9. for every novel in the school library there are 2 science books there 7 economics books . express the ratio of the economics books to science books to novels in hte school library as triple ratio 
a.7:2:1 b.7:1:2 c. 14:7:2 d. 14:2:1 e . 14:2:7

10.The entry an in a followng secequence is deterimined by the rule(a ) if 1 is entry in the sequence the next five enteries are.
A.0,1,2 B0,-1,1 C. 0,1,2 D.2,3,4 E. 0,1,0
( a base (n-1) and )square.

computer science - questions
just iam giveng the question find the answers ,as their was provided, idint find time to copy it sorry for that
1. dead lock is an os occurs when
2 the string got by reversing the postfix form of a _expression (binary operator only) willbe given ti the prefix form of the same number onlu it is
this is a pascal programe
procedure p(y:int);
if y>0
write ln("xyz" )
how many time will p(4)write 
A .4 ,B 15, C . 8 D. 3
4. MAX NO OF NODES IN A BINARY tree of depth (k>=1)
A . 2 raised to power k
B. 2 raised to power (k-1)
C . (2 raised power k)-1
D . 2 raised power (k-2)
5 A complete graph has
a. n vertices and (n-1)edges
b. " n(n-1)/2
c. " 2n(n-1)/3
d. n vertices and n edges
6 . If d is degree of the vertex i in a graph G with n vertices and e edges then 
(E : is sigma in the answer)
a . E(dpower n -1); b . 0.5(Ed power n ) ; c. 0.5 (E d base i) d . 0.25 (Edi) 
8. what is the error handling in the OSI model 
a. data layer b.network layer c. transport layer d. both 

9. consider the grammar 
s-> iCtSes
C-> b

A .ibtaea B . ibtitbtaeaea C. ibteaeaea D. ibta 
10. consider 1000 km round turn route with a teransmission rate of 100 mbps. assume a propagation time of 5m/s . consider a packet size of 1000 bits how many packets are nedded to fill up the lines along the rate.
a. 5000 b.1000 c . cannot estimated the data d. 1000

and finally the c ques
1. given the folloeing defination
char const *p='p'
A.p++ B.*p++ C. (*p)++ d.all

2. What is the out put of the following program
void printarr(float **arr)
void main()
float **arr,otr[2][3] = {{1,2,3} , {2,1,0}}
arr= (float**)otr;

A. 0,2 1,11,2,0 
B .0,1 1,2,2,3 
C. 0,1 1,2,2,2 
D. defalut value 

3. what does the following code fragmanted to
#define putchar(c) printf("%c",c)
int c='d'
A.prints d B. prints n C.compile error d. ----
int compute(int n)
static int result ;
result =compute(n-3)+compute(n-1);
return result;
A. 8 B. - 9 C. - 6 D. - 12
7. out put of the programme
int i=3
while(i - -)
int i=100;
i - - ;
A. infinite loop B . 3... 2... 1 C . 99... 99.. 99 D. 2... 1... 0 

8. #include <stdio.h>
void mainvoid()
printf("%d", printf("ABC\\"));
a. ABC\ b.\ c.ABC\4 d.ABC\\\

9. #include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
int a[10], i;
int *b 
b=( int*) maloc(10* size of int))
*b =&a[3];
a[i] =i+10



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