Hai Friends, Iam Padmakumar...
The entire Satyam process consists of 3 Rounds and for us the interview went on for 3 days... 1st Round - Aptitude 2nd Round - G.D. 3rd Round - H.R interview
1st Day - Aptitude: For the Aptitude round R.S. Agarwal is sufficient... If u r thorough with the important headings like Time & Distance, Time & Work, Number series, % problems, Date & Calender etc... is sufficient... Also be prepared to solve the triangle problem for which u can see the papers submitted by other candidates... Also prepare comprehension type questions... If u r Thorough with Agarwal u can easily solve 5 to 6 problems and with ur common sense u can solve 3 to 4 problems... So with these u can easily clear the 1st Round...
2nd Day - G.D.: First of all dont afraid as the round is G.D... Because genreally G.D. is an important elimination round where a person can be easily eliminated and more persons are eliminated in this round... We were split in to a group of 10... only 2 to 3 were selected from a group based on the performance... Be thorough with current affairs and some general topics... Some topics which were given for us were... 1. Love marriage and Arranged marriage... Which is best? 2. colas were banned... Is is correct or wrong? 3. Ragging is banned... Is is correct or wrong? 4. Is G.D required for an interview? etc.. etc.. Try to be intiative in the G.D which fetch u more mark... If u were unable to be intiative don loose confidence because the time given is 10min and u can easily find a oppurtunity for u... Most of them in your group will have controversy over other's view... In that situation don quarrel with them... It will fetch u negative mark... Instead try to coordinate others and bring them in a group... Be louder and clear in ur views... Let everyone express their views... Don object with others opinion... Listen to what others speak... If possible make a hint of what others say... It will be very useful when u r asked to giv the conclusion...
3rd Day - H.R.: This is an easy round where ur communication skill and self-confidence plays a important role... Look at the interviewer's eyes while speaking... Have a positive body language... Some important things they see in an H.R. were ur communication skill, Basic Knowledge, Body language and ur confidence... So Be prepared with some questions like,
1. Introduce urself... 2. Why u choose software industry... 3. What r the skills u posses as u want to enter software... 4. What will be ur contribution to satyam if i select u... 5. Strenghts and weakness... 6. About ur family backgroung... 7. Why Satyam.... 8. Where u see urself after 5 years... 9. Be prepared for some questions from c, c++, Java if u r from circuit branch(ece, eee, cse, IT,etc)... 10. Do u want to ask any quesions from Satyam...
In our batch nearly 4500 attended and 748 were shortlisted for G.D. and from 750 nearly 220 were shorlisted for H.R... And from 220 around 140 got selected. I'm not sure with the figures... Don loose ur confidence at any stage... Keep on practicing for all the session... If u work hard satyam is urs...