Hello Everybody!!This is Avijit datta from Siliguri Institute of Technology.The entire selection process can be divided into 3 segments:
(1)Aptitude Test
(3)Technical and HR
First i would like to start the proceedings with the aptitude test .Concisely put the written test consists of 15 questions with in the time span of 30 minutes .The questions are basically from time & distance,ratio,boat and stream,venn diagram,mixture,series,coding,profit and loss and problems on trains as well.The most important thing about this phase is the� �ve marking�; so be careful and attentive in answering such questions.
Then appears the GD round��Well,bluntly put this is the main elimination round in satyam and dats why u need to fire your all cylinders here !! The topics are like �Dot in a single page,Future of Indian Cricket team,BPO�S in India,Work culture of West Bengal, Strikes, Globalization and its impact on India, involvement of politics in sports, Should smoking be banned on screen, Use of cellular Mobile phones in college campus etc.My assigned topic was Unemployment and the industrialization and I did come up with a balanced approach.Only 2 had been selected from our group of 10 candidates.So be positive and confident about what u r presenting while making sure a convivial environment.
The last round is the technical and HR round. Here u also have to creative ,confident and ever kicking with enthusiasm. After getting through the GD round u will be given a HR Form where u have to jot down all of ur intimate details. Some of the Commonly asked HR questions are-Tell me about urself,Why satyam,Why should i hire u(Here u must mention ur biggest USP�S) ,What�s ur salary expectation, define a leader,short term and long term goals etc���.In the form I mentioned that Blogging is my hobby���� the interviewer quizzed me different questions like�.. What is blogging,What kind of blog u use to write,What is the organizational structure of any IT company,Difference between service oriented and product development company etc.So keep believe in urself and don�t afraid to have a go to any sorts of rough and tough situation.