hi, It was a off campus drive by satyam.
There were a few elligibilijty criterias: 60% throughout career(as per university rules).
There must not be any backlogs. There must not be more than one year gap in the accademics atr any stage. the total number of students who appeared for the drive was roughly about 1300.
The first stage was the written it had 15 questions which had to b answered in 30 minutes. 1.a BASIC program.output was asked. 2.a few problem from time and distance. 3.a problem from clock. 4.a picture problem. 5.a graph. 6,7.a few lines were given and conclusion was asked to derive. 8.number series. 9.number pyramid.
i dont remember much.The instructions were to cross(x) the right option. there was a provision 4 changing the selected option. 1 mark for right answer and -0.25 for wrong.
not to worry the questions were damn easy just be very much sure while choosing the answer dont bluff. out of 1300 odd students 450 qualified for the GD round.
in the GD each group comprised of 10 students. Topic were general topics like:"role of youth in irradicating corruption." "women are better managers" "KBC is more about money making than about Knowledge gaining" "Marriages are made in heaven"
If u have good or even average communication skill u will rock.Please speak sense,Just murmurring anything is not gonna work.the point has to be valid.
after the GD 186 were left. now comes the PI. It ranged from anything to everything. they were asking questions from c,c++, rdbms, datastruture, electronics/Mechanical/electrical (for core sector students) and networking/os(for it students). the questions can be from anywhere.from the sylabus or from general.
i was asked a sorting question.(c++). besides this some people were asked puzzles and maths too(what is a+b-c wholecube,derivative of x square,integration of 2x etc)
HR questions as usual. after the PI round i.e at the end of it all the total number of selected candidates were 67.and i was one of them. the bottom line is Luck plays a gr8 role.its 90%luck and 10% ur effort.
so best of luck.
Bye. Babai