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Placement Papers »Sonata Placement Paper 2
SUBEX - Placement Paper - 30 Aug 2006-Trivandrum
Written Test
* 20 C qns [ 1/2 hour]
* One C Programming [ 1/2 hour]
First Tech Interview
Learn all about C and C++. thats it.
Then about ur project.
C and C++ all concepts and finding error.
Practice well from "Pointers in C".
Diff. b/w over-riding and overloading.
And virtual fn.
Better to know all from C++.
2nd interview
* Writing a C program.Speak confidently, when u writting prg for parrallel
qns. [ Even i wrote the program, i start with word " I try" that would have been
the reason. U should start with " I can"]
Then i don't know. Sorry.
I think there might be a HR interview.