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Syntel Placement Paper 16th MARCH
hai all, i'm to share my experiance in selection procedure in SYNTEL...
first round is as usual reasoning..... questions comes like this
1.about family relations like X and Y are husband and wife their children are so and so,and their children are so and so and brother of Y is L and explanation about their family....then questions comes as who can marry whom,how many male and females,who is related to who in which relation...
2.there are 6 girls each are named and they we wearing 6 color dress we have to find who wears what color dress,they give the hint by mentioning the weight of girls based on that we have to find who wears what color.....
3.k is +, m is -,l is /,n is * then we have to solve the problems based on that some problems will be given to solve...
4.selection procedure for some postings....and they may give some candidates information from that we have to find who are selected for the job and who are not...
i don remember the last question then comes the verbal section with idions and phrases repalacing the sentance with best options... analogy....
there were 25 logical and 15 verbal..... we were around 400 out of that 65 cleared appti and went to attend HR
tech and formal HR was in the same panel questions asked were..... 1.introduce urself... 2.if a new task is given how will u do it... 3.how will u control the traffic using automation for real time.... 4.diff bet C and C++ 5.what do u know about data structures....application,and functions... 6.being ECE engg y do u choose software feild... 7.any questions for us....
finally they announced the result after 4 days... i was selected......
They always check ur confidence level.....be confident.... ALL THE BEST