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Syntel Placement Paper 5 July 2007
HI ! Friends, SYNTEL came to JAYA Eng college.It conducted its witten test on 5th july
Eligibility Criteria 55% in 10th and 12th 55% in till now in semesters
Written test The placement paper consists of 2 sections :- 1.Reasoning 25 questions (cuttoff 13or 11) 2. English 15 questions (cutt off-8 or 6) Paper is continous .Common answer sheet 5 options.
1.Reasoning It consisted of blood relations ,assertion reason, Coding Decoding, etc. CODING DECODING WAS REALIY TOUGH.
2.English Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Find the grammatical error in the sentence.and Analogy. The test started aroud 12.30.pm It was for 1 hr duration. The results were declared at 5:30pm. Around 950 students attended the written test and 108 were selected for interview. The interview started the same day.My interview was conducted the next day..
Interview It consisted of HR and Technical combined
HR questions Q what is ur family background? Q TEll me about yourself? Qwhat does sucess mean to u? Q what is ur favorite subject? I told them Java as the company makes u was work on Dotnet and Java
Then my Technical started
Technical questions Q What do u mean by polymorphism? Q what do u mean by Encapsulation?
These 2 question were only asked to me. Intially I was shocked, then i asked him directly was the process over, he smiled and said u r selected. The interview is quite easy and be cofident in answering the questions.They r checking the confidence level. Out of 108 only 52 were placed and i was one of them. Hope this exp will help u and we will meet in Syntel. Dont get dishearteded as u will be placed one day . This was my 6th company.
BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regards, Saran Raj