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Syntel Placement Paper 20th JULY AT VIJAYAWADA
hi dis is sravanthi studying final year btech(cse) got selected in syntel that is recently conducted at our campus.It is an off campus.Nearly 16 colleges attended for this selection.
The selection procedure is as follows 1. Written test 2.GD cum hr 3. Technical
nearly 2000 students attended written test and 308 cleared it and i am one out of them.Test has the following criteria 40 Q's 60 min . The paper contains 1.Reasoning(easy) 2.verbal(concentrate a little bit)
Reasoning comprises of puzzles,i didn't remember practice R.S.AGARWAL 4r dis
verbal comprises 1.antonyms(easy) 2.idioms(easy) 3.assertions and reasoning 4.correction of sentences(easy) after written its only hr 4r me its very easy (concentrate on ppt)
next is technical round me:gud evening sir hr: said gud evening sravanthi,plz take ur seat me:thanku sir hr:asked me how is the written test me:said its easy hr:how is the day me:fine hr:tired me:not really hr:ok hr:asked what r u'r favourite subjects me:answered c,c++ hr:what is diff btwn c,c++ me:answered hr:about malloc,calloc me:answered hr:storage classes me:explained hr: program 4r calculating the day when date is given me:explained the logic hr: he said i would like 2 ask more q's 4r u but i am vexed me:said ok sir hr:ok sravanthi wait 4r d results me:ok,thanq sir around 11:15 pm d results were announced 119 got selected and i am lucky 2 b one of them overall they checked 4r confidence and good communication skills(without any grammatical errors) b cool dis is my 6th company
ALL THE BEST Hope we will meet in syntel