I am posting here the details of the Tata Elsxi exam
conducted for Kerala Colleges on August 2nd in Kochi
(Technical qns on CS and Analytical qns). I believe
there was a change in the pattern of question
paper,so all those who are going to write the exams
may benefit from this.
1)General Information:
Two seperate tests:
-Technical(30 questions-30 minutes)-seperate for CS
and EC.
-Analytical(30 questions-20 minutes)
-Technical was conducted first followed by
-There was no negative marking
-There were no seperate question booklets.Everybody
had the same one
-Technical test(for computer science) consisted
MAINLY 'C' questions.And most of them were difficult
ones.There were 3 questions from Computer Graphics (
Tata Elsxi is also into Multimedia Development,that
may be the reason )
QUESTIONS.R.S Aggarwal's 'Quantitative Aptitude'
would be very helpful here because there were
questions asked from Numbers/Simplification/Problems
on Ages/Profit and Loss/Ratio and Proportion/Time &
Work/Pipes & Cisterns/Time & Distance/Problems on
Trains/Problems on Boats & Streams /Area/Volume &
Surface Area/ Calendar/ Clocks.So as you can
see,they covered almost the entire book
2)Technical Test(20 questions out of 30)
1) Graphics:Painters algorithm is used for..
2) Graphics:Why is 'Lighting' operations done on
World Coordinates?
3) Graphics:One more question
4) Some question on C External Variables.
5) How can you call a function written in FORTRAN
from a C program ?
6) Normal question on pointer addition
7) Another question on pointer adition
8) A question on 64 bit OS's and Virtual Memory it
will be having
9) Another question on 64 bit OS
10) A structure was given and it contained normal
data as well as some bit-wise data.You had to find
the total size taken up by the structure
11) A big code with lots of pointers.There was a
struct which contained 2 arrays.Then an array of
that structure was declared.The code used these
structures and you had to find the values of a
variable 'j' at various points inside the code
12) A code which had some declarations of some data
items.There were a couple of normal data
items(char,int..) and some pointers as well and a
malloc call.You have to find the total memory taken
up in the stack(Hint:Pointers and all are allocated
in heap,not in stack,so dont count them).Also in
most of these questions,they were specifying that
the OS was 32 bit
13) A question on nesting of pointers.There was this
pointer to a function which returned an array of
char pointers.You had to give the exact definition
of the function
14) Value of 2 particular variables in C(MAXINT and
some other constant)
15)What do you need to do to open more than 10 files
simultaneously in Microsoft Operating System?
-change stdio.h/change CONFIG.SYS/compiler dependent
16) A question on Macro( consisted of something like
17) Another question on Macro expansion
18) Yet another question on Macro expansion
19) UNIX question on 'who' output and then doing
some other operation and then asking you whats the
20) UNIX question on 'awd' operation.
3)Analytical Test(20 questions out of 30)
1) 101^100 -1 is divisible by..
2) Question on boat ( stream velocity given..)
3) Train Question( Goods and Passenger train..their
speeds given..)
4) Pipe question (with leak at the bottom..)
5) Salary & Proportion problem
6) Another problem on Salary & Proportion
7) Age question-father and son
8) Another age question
9) Question on ratios(
Sachin:Saurav=Saurav:Rahul=3:2..together they scored
some runs,you had to find the runs scored by Sachin)
10) Angle between hands when time is 2:20
11) x^2 + 4 y^2 =4xy.Find x:y
12) A question on Arithmetic Progression(something
like 5 times the 5th term is 8 times the 8th
term..find 12th term..)
13) A and B's work units given.They were together
gievn Rs.720.When C joined,they together completed
the work in 5 days.Find C's wages
14) There was a circle.A square of max size was cut
from it.From this square,a circle of max size was
cut.What was the ratio of this final size w.r.t
initial size?
15) A runs 3/4th faster than B.One of them was
placed some metres ahead.How far should the
finishing post be placed so that both of them finish
at the same time?
16) Longest time one has to wait for next
birthday?(366/365/4 years/8years)
17) Next no: in the seq: 7,11,-,19,23
18) Some question on steps..it was 10 ft high..an
ant travelled upwards..and total time taken
19) Cricket-some data on runrate of the opposition
being 15%
20) Time & Distance..somebody was travelling along
the circumference.
(Paper Submitted By : Vishnu T P)