All the 4 skill tests are fully brain teasers. The duration of the test was
2hours,and the L&A Reasoning has a minimum cutoff u should clear that to
evaluate ur other sections.The questions are as follows (These are not in serial
order and the information may not be accurate, when specified)
1 2 3 2 5 6 7 8 3 find the next term in the series
How can u place 4 coins in 2 lines so that each line should contain 3
coins Ans:I wrote, i it maynot be possible
Find the odd word
Ans:I think it is Delta, Reason: as it has specific meaning(addition)and
others don't have such meaning,just used for representation purpose.(i
think so)
There was an addition given as follows SATURN + URANUS = PLANETS the
solution is not encoding the entire problem but to find coding for 3
alphabets Ans:Key Steps:
There was a set of words given as follows
SUN,MER,VEN,---,...........,SAT,---,NEP,PL (I don't remember exactly but,
all are the names of planets in solar system with notation of each planet
using 3 letters) The question was to find out the appropriate words in the
given blanks
How can u get 81 using the digits 2,3,25,50,75,100 only once using any of
the arithmatic operator Key Steps: 50+(100/75*3)+25+2
(This is a real sitter, takes a long time) A man have some three types boxes
viz Huge,Large,Small He took 11 of huge boxes and put on a table.And at
random he has taken some of them and placed 8 large boxes in each of the
boxes.And after that he has placed 8 small boxes in some large boxes at
random.By the end if he found 102 boxes empty, how many boxes are there on
the table?
If u have a large number of Knights and a
chess board.The problem is to find the way of arranging
the Knights on the board so that no Knight attacks the other. (He has
given mathematical relations that represents how a knight can move on the
chess board as we know it as 'L', i'm not giving such stuff)
You are given a bunch of threads each having differing length.No two
thereads have same thickness and no thread has same thickness all its
length. But it is certified that any thread when lit burns itself in
exactly 12 mins. The question is you are asked to find an elapsed time of 9
minuites.How can u find it out and how manythreads do u want for this?
SECTION 2 (Writing)
The topic to Write was on "Connecting the rivers in India".
You can write the programs in this section using any programing
There was a pyramid given as follows
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 ...
The three dots are given as a part of the specification. The above
pyramid is to be printed when input number 13 is given. Write a program to
print the above pyramid.
Write a function which returns a substring in the string 'Sigma' (character
given)which starts wit 'Alpha' and ends with 'Thita'
You have a job in which you have to take time stamps and store them. So
Write a datastructure that can minimize the
storage requirements of Year,Month,Date,Hour,Minuite.
Write a program to find the four digited numbers, which are perfect squares,
and all the digits in that number are even. (i think there is another
program given which i don't remember)